My Dothraki Warrior

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Winter holidays came and go by fast but at least we had fun, we got to ride the dragons, the VK's met the Dothraki, Dragen loves every bit if it here, it's so sad we have to go back to Aurodon Prep and carry on our studies!

My parents threw a New Year's party, inviting the whole of Aurodon Prep, of course, Audrey is here, she keeps giving me glances here and there but I ignore them.

We get gift's here and there, my parents were talking with the teachers here and there but now we just sat in our open Cabana, receiving gifts.

Here I sat on the couch with my parents and friends, Dragen was on my shoulder.

Qhono : For the Young Khalakki.

He says giving me a wooden box, it's made beautiful, the designs are horses, it's a Dothraki gift! I just know it! I eagerly opened the box with a smile and saw........ An Arakh!!!!!

I finally get my own Arakh!!! How I've always wanted to get my own!


Valyria : Mommy, can I please have an Arakh?

Daenerys : No, darling, it's way to dangerous.

Daenerys says and kisses her 5 year old daughter then left to attend some queenly duties. Valyria walked Sadly in the Halls, Qhono was beside her as he is her bodyguard.

He kneeled down.

Qhono : Do not worry, Young Khalakki, when you are of age, I will get you your very own Arakh.

Valyria : Really? You promise?

Qhono : I promise, I am a man of my own word.

Valyria : Uncle Qhono, when will I be if age?

Qhono : When the time is right, little one, for now, enjoy your childhood and have fun, Rakharo is waiting for you, don't make him wait any longer now, run along.

Valyria hugged Qhono with her little arms wrapped around his neck.

Valyria : Thank you!

Then she ran to go play with her best friend who she grew up with, Rakharo. She always waited to come of age so she can have her very own Arakh that she can call HERS!


Valyria : Thank you, Qhono.

He smiled and went back to his place. A man with armor, with books came forward, I put my gift on the other side delicately.

Man : A small gift for the Young Khalakki, songs and the history of the Seven Kingdoms.

He says giving me, I took them with a smile.

Valyria : Thank you, sir, are you from my country?

Man : Ser Jorah Mormant of Bear Island. I've served your grandfather for many years, God's be good, I hope to serve the rightful King.

He says the last part looking at my father and he nods, Ser Jorah went back to his place. Two men carried a medium chest put it in front of me, I opened the chest revealing 5 dragon eggs;

A red one
A gold one
A white one
A silver one
A green one

The VK's looked stunned at the sight as I took the white one, admiring it.

Valyria : Where do they come from?

I asked looking at father, mother and father gifted them to me, I know that for a fact.

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