finding out his secret

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Zims POV

I hear a loud crash behind me and I turn to see y/n sitting on the floor. I rush over to make sure she's ok, forgetting I'm not wearing my disguise or that she's in my lab. I place a hand on her shoulder and was about to ask if she ok but she passes out before I can. I quickly catch her in my arms and start panicking a bit. I pick her up and carry her to my operating table. I lay her down and turn on my over head lamp. I look at her laying there, she looks so peaceful and so beautiful. I'm so stupid though, how could I let her see me like this. How did she even get down here? I thought she was sleeping. I just needed more answers about this 'love' disease. I sit and wait for her to wake up. I decide to put my disguise back on, so she's more comfortable. About twenty minutes later, I start dozing off until y/n gasps and sits up quickly. I rush over to her and say "y/n! Are you alright?" She stares blankly at me until she points at her eyes and says quietly, "your.. eyes.. they were-" She stops and shakes her head. "I saw antenna's on your head." I look at her nervously, and I sigh. "Y/n I need to show you something but you need to promise me that you won't freak out. I have wanted to tell you for a while but well here goes nothing.." With that I take off my disguise and watch her reaction. She has a face of bewilderment and curiosity. "Woah, I knew I wasn't dreaming. Zim this is incredible." She reaches out her hand and my eyes follow. Without warning, she strokes one of my antenna's and and immediate blush washes over my face. I get goosebumps and shiver under her touch. I get an overwhelming sensual feeling and I have to push her hand away. "S-sorry. Please dont do that." I say still blushing. "Oh my bad." She says. "S-so you're a .. ?"

Your POV

"In an alien. Irken to be exact. I was sent here to invade and conquer earth. I realize now that there are far more important things than that so please y/n do not worry." Zim says. This is literally the coolest freaking thing that's ever happened to me. My next door neighbor is an alien. "Zim, I trust you." I say calmly looking into his large bug like eyes. "Good." He says smiling a bit. I look away and go to rub the back of my neck but wince when sudden jolt of pain shoots through my wrist. "I forgot about that.. I think I sprained it when i fell down here." I laugh nervously. Zim takes my hand gently and examines it. "GIR! GET ME THE FIRST AID KIT!" He yells out. I lean back and close my eyes, I was so not ready for that. A few seconds later and gir is here with a little red box with a white cross on the front. "Ah thank you, now leave." Gir's eyes turn a blood red and he says in an alarmingly deep voice, "You're welcome master." Then he skips off with blue eyes like everything is normal again. While I am distracted watching gir, zim has already started bandaging up my wrist. I watch his movements closely, a look of concentration plastered on his face. I suddenly feel mine starting to get warm. I look away from him as I try to hide the blush but he notices and grabs my head, facing it to meet his eyes. Why does he have to be so cute. Woah wait did I just think that? I quickly hop off the table and move away from him. "Ookayy, so now that's all settled.. can I ask you a few questions? About alien stuff?" I ask.

Alright tune in next time to see what y/n is gonna ask zim. Will she ever admit her feelings?

extraterrestrial ~ zim x readerWhere stories live. Discover now