chapter 12: chance encounter with gary oak~!

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rin was walking with cookie in the gardens when she heard a thud

she ran to see a boy with brown hair laying there

" are you okay?" rin asked

" y-yeah i'm fine....' gary said standing up

" hey gary!" cookie said

" hello cookie." gary said

" wait you 2 know each other?" rin asked

" yeha i'm the one thta gave you cookie." gary said

" oh. thank you." rin said

" no problem is vampireric life?" gary asked

" eh boring....' rin said

" hun. thought it would be interesting...." gary said

" it would if my dad would ever let me outside this dam castle!" rin said

" Oh. he's overprotective....." gary said

" yeah...he bit me once when i was younger and never forgave himself for it....." rin said 

" oh, did you tell him it wasn't his fault." gary asked

" yeah....and he still doesn't belive me...." rin said sighing.....

" well i better be going nice talking to you....." gary said

" rin......and you?' rin asked

" gary....gary oak....." gary said leaving

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