Chapter 15: The plan~!

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" alright so here's the plan......." rin said as she layed out a map

" we'll wait until there gone and then i 'll go in get dad's wallet, use some of his money, grab my suitcase i packed and hid under my bed.....go down through the window escape......and run till i'm out of the forest!" rin said

' DO IT~!" cookie said

"okay so why did you call me here in the middle of the night?" gary asked

" i need help." rin said

' fine." gary said

" yes, victory will soon be ours!" rin said

as soon as rin had said goodbye to her dad and grand dad.....she then waited until the coast was clear......once it was she ran to her dad's room...grabbed his wallet and took the money she needed......she ran back grabbed her bag....cookie and gray and jumped out the window onto the ground

" OH MY GOD~!' gary said whezzeing

" come on gary we don't have all day!' rin said

" ugh....i'm coming i'm coming......." gary said as he jogged up to her.....

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