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Hoseok's POV:

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Hoseok's POV:

Ever since I was little I didn't fit in.

"Ok, children, today we're going to be learning about the shapes on your wrist. Everyone's has a different shape that is a specific colour. One of you might have a blue star or a green square. Someone somewhere in the world has the same exact shape and colour as you! That person is your soulmate. They are the only other person who can see your shape. But they can only see it if they get the feeling that they are their soulmate. For example, if Jungkook and Lisa are soulmates and they don't know, they wont be able to see each other's shape."

"Ewwww hehe!"

"Its not ew! It's cute! You guys will all eventually find your own soulmate."

"Miss...um...I dont have a shape."

"Hoseok hyung? Are you ok?" Namjoon asked, tapping his shoulder.

"Huh-? Oh, yeah. I'm fine." Hoseok answered. "Just resting."

Hoseok was in gym class. He had finished running his 3 laps and was waiting for Namjoon and Jin to finish. He didnt realize that Namjoon had finished. Jin was still running his last lap.

"You're staring again, Hobi hyung." Namjoon said with a smile.

"What!? No I'm not!" Hoseok said, quickly looking away from the mint haired boy sitting on the bleachers.

"You're really whipped for that boy, arent you." Namjoon said with a laugh.

"Stop...he doesnt even know I exist."

"You guys literally have three classes together and every lunch shift together what do you mean 'he doesnt know you exsist'?"

Jin finished his lap and ran into Namjoon.

"What are my bitches talking about?"

"Hoseok hyung's little crush on Yoongi."

"You are whipped, Hoseok." Jin said shaking his head.

Hoseok shook his head and looked down.

I couldn't have him anyway. I don't even have a soulmate.

"Hobi hyung, are you sure you're ok?" Namjoon asked again.

Hoseok nodded and went to sit on the bleachers. He would've sat next to Yoongi but he knew Yoongi was shy and probably wouldn't talk to him. He sat on the bottom step.

"Im home." Hoseok called, opening the door to his house.

No answer. Of course...

He climbed up the stairs and peeked into his parents room. He got a strong smell of alcohal and stepped out for a second.

Should've been prepared for that-

He took a deep breath and went in again.

"Hey mom."

"What do you want?" His mother asked taking a puff from a cigar.

"I just wanted to ask if I could go over to Namjoon's tonight..."

"Do what you want I couldn't care less." His mom said flicking an ash in his face. It landed on his face. It stung but he didnt say anything.

"Alright then. Also, the bills came in the mail." Hoseok said handing her the envelope.

Hoseok's mom grabbed his arm and squeezed it. Hoseok hissed in pain.

"How many times have I told you not to remind me about those?"

"S-sorry, it's just I kinda wouldn't want to be without a place to stay and I doubt you and dad would want that either."

His mother let go of him and pushed him away.  Hoseok left and sighed. He pulled out his phone and clicked Namjoon's contact. He picked up after two rings.


"Could I spend the night?"

"I'll ask my mom, hold on..."


"She says ok."

"Ok, cool. I'll be there in 5. Thanks, Joonie."



Hoseok grabbed some spare clothes and his essentials and walked the 2 blocks to Namjoon's place. He arrived within 5 minutes as he promised.



There was an awkward silence for a little while until Namjoon pulled Hoseok into a hug.

Hoseok let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and hugged him back.

"How are you feeling, Hobi hyung?"

"I'm ok." Hoseok answered.

Namjoon nodded and lead Hoseok inside.

"Hey Seokie! How you feeling, hun?" Namjoon's mom greeted him.

"I'm doing alright."

"That's good. I'll be in here if you two need anything, alright?"

The two nodded and headed upstairs.

"So, what happened this time?" Namjoon asked applying a cold rag to Hoseok's face where the burn was.

"Flicked an ash at me. Grabbed my arm. Nothing too bad."

Namjoon was the only one who knew about the abuse from his parents. He had begged him not to tell anyone about it. He was waiting until he was old enough to leave. That wouldn't be long from now.

"Good as new." Namjoon said as he finished wrapping Hoseok's arm.

Hoseok pulled down his sleeve and thanked Namjoon.

"Don't worry. One day, those two will get what they deserve. I promise you, hyung."

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