19. ❤

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Namjoon's POV:

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Namjoon's POV:

"I'm so so sorry, Mrs. Kim." Hoseok apologized for the 20th time.

"Hoseok, its totally fine. We love having you here. Dont worry about it!" Namjoon's mom assured.

Hoseok nodded and sighed. Namjoon put his hand on his shoulder and motioned upstairs.

The two walked up into Namjoon's room and sat on his bed.

"Hoseok hyung, are you ok?"

Hoseok nodded a little. "Just peachy." He said emotionlessly.

Namjoon frowned and little and pulled him into a long hug. He stroked the older's hair and rocked him a little bit.

It wasnt until he heard the light snores coming from the older that he realized his hyung had fallen asleep.

"He- he fell asleep so fast-" namjoon muttered to himself in shock.

That's probably why he was so dead looking...he thought.

He wondered how long it's been since he had slept and the idea made Namjoon sad.

He continued to hold him, as he felt like letting him go would just wake him up.

Hoseok was Namjoon's best friend, and it hurt him a lot to see him in such a condition. He knew about the older's parents.

He knew how horrible they treated him and how many times he had to skip school because they beat him so badly.

He had covered for the older so many times he couldnt count.

He promised the older he wouldnt tell anyone, and even so, if he did tell the police there would be no evidence for it.

Yes, Hoseok had many scars and healing bruises from his parents, but there was no way police could trace it to them. They would say Hoseok could've gotten into a fight.

They would also probably ask him about the cuts on his wrist.

There were so many factors that stopped him from telling anyone, but it was getting harder and harder to be the only one who knew how much Hoseok suffered.

The ring of his phone startled him a little, and he jumped. Hoseok stirred in his arms and he quickly answered the phone, rocking Hoseok again to lull him back to sleep.

"Hello?" He whispered.

"Hey, why are you whispering?"

"Hoseok hyung is sleeping."

"Ah, why is hyung over there? Is he spending the night again?"

Namjoon chuckled a little. "Ah, no. Hes spending many nights here. His parents are out on a business trip."

"Oh...that makes sense. Well, I was just calling to see if we all could come over tomorrow."


"We havent all hung out after school in forever. And we've never done it with Yoongi hyung because we met him like 2 weeks ago. I wanna hang out again."

"Ok, Jungkook, ok." Namjoon said with a laugh. "Yeah, you guys can come over tomorrow I guess if my mom's chill with it. She probably will be so dont worry."

"Yay! Ok, see you tomorrow then, hyung!"

"Bye, Kookie."

The phone call ended and Namjoon put his phone back on the nightstand.

He decided to lay down, as the postion he was in currently was very uncomfortable.

He held Hoseok tightly as he lay himself down on the bed carefully.

When he got in a more comfortable position, Hoseok on his chest and himself laying comfortably on his back, he stroked the older's hair and started to nod off himself.

Eventually, he drifted off with his hand resting on the older's head, their light snores both filling the room together.

NamSeok is completely platonic, guys, I swear. I'm a sucker for rapline friendships.


"Boys! Wake up, you're gonna be late!" Namjoon's mom yelled at the two boys tangled in each other.

Namjoon groaned and rolled over a little, waking up Hoseok in the process.


"Up." Namjoon said softly, lifting up his hands from the older's waist.

"Jin hyung would yell at you for this." Hoseok said, rolling off of Namjoon and onto the bed.

"I know...he's so easily jealous." Namjoon mumbled, sitting up and putting his hands in his lap.

"What time is it?" Hoseok asked

Namjoon checked his phone and shrugged. "6:00."

Hoseok's phone rang and he scrambled to pick it up, still trying to recover from sleep.

He answered and hummed into the phone.

"Jin and I are both here, didnt I tell you to be ready by 6?"

"Oh shit, sorry. We over slept...we'll be down in a few minutes."

Hoseok heard Yoongi scoff and chuckle a little. "Whatver, Seokie. See you soon."

"Bye bye." He said happily before hanging up.

"Yoongi hyung and Jin hyung are here." Hoseok said.

Namjoon nodded and quickly changed into a black t-shirt and ripped jeans.

Hoseok changed into a grey t-shirt and some basketball shorts.

"Hoseok hyung, are you sure you wanna wear a t-shirt? I mean, if you do then you do you but..." he trailed off, his eyes landing on Hoseok's bandaged arms and wrists.

Hoseok followed his gaze and his eyes widened a little. "Oh shit- right I forgot..." he mumbled.

He quickly changed into a tan hoodie and black sweats.

The two ran down the stairs and waved goodbye to Namjoon's mother and stepped outside.

Both Jin and Yoongi were waiting in their seperate cars and the two gave them an apologetic smile.

Before the two parted ways, Hoseok grabbed the younger's arm.

"Are you gonna tell Jin hyung I slept with you last night? I mean, its not a big deal but I feel like he would be upset if you kept it from him." Hoseok said seriously.

Namjoon sighed a little and shrugged. "I guess. He's gonna be upset either way so might as well be truthful. It's not like anything happened so, why not." Namjoon answered.

Hoseok nodded and the two went their seperate ways.

Hoseok opened the door to the passengers side and said a soft 'hello' to the boy picking him up.

"Overslept? Shameful." Yoongi said with a laugh.

"Sorry." He apologized sheepishly. "Thank you for doing this."

"Of course, Hoseok! You dont deserve to be tormented like that."

Hoseok nodded and looked down, playing with his hands.

"You ok?" Yoongi asked before finally starting for the school.

Hoseok nodded, giving the older a smile.

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