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Yoongi's POV:

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Yoongi's POV:

It was lunch time and he was only with Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jungkook. The others had already had lunch.

"So, what's up with this?" Taehyung asked, guestering to Hoseok and Yoongi.

"Nothing-?" Hoseok said with a laugh.

"You two arent together yet?" Jungkook asked

The two shook their heads at the same time.

"We want to be 100% sure we're soulmates first. Also, the last time we went to the doctor, she told us we werent compatible. So we wanna know what thats about first." Hoseok explained.

Yoongi nodded in agreement as he ate his food.

"What about you three?" Hoseok asked. "How's Jimin doing with it?"

Taehyung and Jungkook smiled. Taehyung leaned on Jungkook's shoulder and started to speak. "We're together now." He said happily.

"All three of you or just you two?" Yoongi asked softly

"All of us." Jungkook said with a smile.

"That's awesome, guys!" Hosoek said.

Yoongi nodded and clapped with a small smile, showing he was happy for them.

The four continued to eat their lunch and chat about other random things, not pertaining to soulmates. Soon, the bell rang and the four went their seperate ways.


"Hey Yoongi hyung!" Namjoon greeted when Yoongi stepped into their classroom.

"Hey, Joon. Work with me today?" Yoongi asked

Namjoon nodded and smiled. When they got to their table they started working on their assignments. It was an independent class today so the students were free to chat and work as they liked.

"When we had to do partner work before, who did you normally partner up with?" Namjoon asked. "You were never with me."

Yoongi shrugged, not looking up from his work. "I just was with whoever didnt have an partner...it was often really awkward. I was your partner once."

"You were? I-im sorry I dont remember..."

"Its fine. It wasnt horrible working with you. You respected my space. It was nice." Yoongi said smiling softly. "What about you? Who did you work with?"

"Oh, I mostly worked with Seungcheol, but recently Jeonghan switched in this class so they work together now." Namjoon answered

"Did he just leave you-?"

"No! He always asked if I had a partner before he went to Jeonghan! This was a little after we became friends, so it wasnt bad. Seungcheol and I are still friends." Namjoon assured.

Yoongi nodded and continued to do his work, not knowing how to continue the conversation.

After a few minutes Namjoon spoke up again. "How are you and Hoseok hyung?" He asked

"We're good...we're going back to the doctor today so thats fun I guess..." yoongi said quietly.

"Doesnt sound like you find it all that fun." Namjoon said, looking at him sadly.

Yoongi hesitated a little the shook his head. "I'm worried that the doctor is gonna tell us we're not really soulmates, and it was a glitch in the system or something. And even if she says we are, I'm worried she'll tell us we can't be because we're not compatible." Yoongi said with a worried voice.

"Why wouldnt you be compatible?"

"I dunno...she told us we weren't last time we went but never told us why."

"You guys have to be soulmates! Dont worry about it, hyung. You and Hobi hyung have gotten along so well so far. There's no way you cant be soulmates." Namjoon reassured him.

Yoongi nodded and smiled a little, lowering his head again.

The bell soon rang and Namjoon moved with Yoongi to next class.

The two had their last three classes of the day together but History was the only peridod they could actually talk in without getting in trouble.

After school ended, Hoseok and Yoongi met up at the younger's locker.

"So, our second outing together is another trip to the doctors." Hoseok said laughing.

Yoongi giggled and nodded. He took the taller's hand and lead them to his car.


The two got to the doctors office in about twenty minutes. As soon as the two stepped into the building Hoseok's phone rang.

"Hello?...I'm with a friend....I told eomma this morning I would b-....no you werent there how was I supposed to tell you!?...appa, please...whatever...you know what, fuck you too." Hoseok said the last line with tears in his eyes and he hung up the phone.

"Seokie...?" Yoongi started softly.

"I'm fine. Let's just go up to the soulmates part."

"Seokie, you're crying." Yoongi mumbled.

Hoseok brought his hands to his face and felt the tears streaming down his cheeks. He quickly wiped them and sighed.

"Was that your dad?" Yoongi asked.

Hoseok nodded silently. "I'm sorry about that."

"I-its fine...I'm sorry...he seemed to be upset." Yoongi mumbled, looking down and playing with his hands.

"Are you ok?" Hoseok asked

Yoongi nodded, looking up at him and smiling to prove it.

Hoseok nodded and took the older's hand and walking to the elevator.

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