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Yoongi's POV:

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Yoongi's POV:

"How were things with you and Namjoon last night?" Yoongi asked.

Hoseok shrugged. "I cant really remember...I was kind of out of it. All I know was that I fell asleep while he held me and we woke up tangled in each other this morning." Hoseok said with a laugh.

Yoongi smiled a little and nodded. 

He wasnt gonna lie, he was a bit jealous. However, he didnt take it to heart, as he knew how close NamSeok were as friends.

"Were you ok?" Yoongi asked, focusing his eyes on the road in front of him.

"Yeah, I was just a bit shaken up still. I hadn't slept in a while and when he hugged me I felt safe...kinda cliche and a little weird to say about your best friend, I know. But, Namjoon has been there for me since freshman year. I trust him with everything. He's like my protector, and I love him so much for that. Hes like the brother I've always wanted." Hoseok said quietly, looking at his hands.

Yoongi hummed a response and nodded. "I totally get that..." he lied.

He didnt really "get that". Yoongi didnt ever have friends before the 6 of them. Well, he had a few friends in middle school who were good friends and all, but they never went to the school he went to for high school.

He liked that Hoseok had a good bond with Namjoon. The only reason he was jealous at all was because he wanted to share a bond like that with someone.

Namjoon's POV:

"So, how was the night with Hoseok? He's staying for a while, right?"

Here we go...

"Yeah. Maybe a month or two." Namjoon said shrugging. "We didnt actually do much yesterday. Uh...he hugged me and fell asleep on me before we even starting talking." Namjoon said with a laugh.

"Did he?"

Namjoon nodded with a laugh. "Yeah. He seemed dead tired. I didnt wanna wake him up so, I left him like that. When we woke up though we were like, tangled in each other. We're both really cuddly when we sleep so it was no suprise." Namjoon said with a nervous smile.

They came to a red light and Jin stopped, waiting for it to turn green. As he did, he looked at Namjoon seriously.

"So, you and Hoseok dont know what boundaries are, huh?" He said coldly.


"You know, boundaries. Isnt he with Yoongi. What you just described to me certainly sounds like something went on." Jin said with a scoff.

"Come on, hyung, it wasnt like that. Also they're technically not together yet."

"Why was he so clingy to you then? And why didnt you push him away?" Jin asked again.

Namjoon thought of Hoseok, looking like all of the happiness and innocence had left him last night.

The cuts on his arm clouded his mind and he instantly felt like he had been stabbed in the heart.

Namjoin had never seen the older so deadpanned, and it hurt him so much to see his bright and happy friend so hurt and upset to the point he refused to make conversation.

"Namjo- why are you crying?!" Jin asked, worry in his voice.

Namjoon shook his head and wiped his eyes. "I'm sorry, can we just...not talk about this?"

Jin nodded, understanding something must have happened last night with Hoseok.

The rest of the ride with Jin was pretty much silent as Namjoon stared out the window.


Yoongi's POV:

"Jung Hoseok to the front office."

Yoongi took off his headphones and his heart clenched a little hearing Hoseok's name over the intercome.

"You good, hyung?" Namjoon whispered to him from his seat.

Yoongi nodded. "Just got a little scared to hear Hobi's name. He's probably fine." Yoongi said with a shrug.

An hour passed and the two were about to move to their biology class together until the intercome went off again.

"Min Yoongi to the main office."

Namjoon must've noticed Yoongi tense up as he grabbed the smaller and pulled him into a hug.

"Dont worry, it's probably nothing." He said reassuringly.

Yoongi nodded and pulled away, walking down to the front office.

When he walked into the door the woman at the desk recognized him immedietly.

"Yoongi, do you know Jung Hoseok?" She asked him as soon as he stepped up to the desk.

Yoongi nodded, his nerves already starting to act up.

"He was dismissed, however he seemed very nervous to leave."

Yoongi's eyes widened a little and his breathing quickened.

Did his parents pick him up!? Why the fuck would his parents pick him up!?!?

"Yoongi?? Yoongi, are you alright??"

Yoongi nodded a little, but it was unconvincing, as he was on the verge of hyperventilating and he was shaking a lot.

The woman led them into the counselors office not too far away and they sat down.

"Please, calm down, I can see you're very worried. I am aware that you are Hoseok's soulmate, that's why we called you down."

Yoongi nodded and tried to calm himself down. He never did well with teachers and administrators forcing him to speak, and now that the topic was about Hoseok, it made him even more nervous.

"Hoseok looked very worried when his father came to pick him up. We wouldve held him here and called another contact, but there was no one else to call. We had to let the parents dismiss him, do you understand?" The woman asked, her voice soothing and calm.

Yoongi didnt look up at her, he squeezed his hand, his nails digging into his palm. He nodded slowly, showing her he understood.

"Is there any reason why Hoseok would be so nervous to go with him?"

Yoongi took a deep breath and was about to answer until he felt a sharp pain in his wrist.

He snapped his head up and winced in pain, holding his wrists to his chest.

"Yoongi?? What's wrong?"

Yoongi ignored her and pulled out his phone, immediately dialing a number.

Hoseok didnt pick up.

"Yoongi, I need an answer, what's going on??"

"H-h-hoseok...he's h-hurting."

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