ZaneX Shy!Werewolf! Reader: Secrets

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Thank you DragonGirlLife for requesting this prompt!


I winced as I pulled another knot from my tail with the brush, sighing in relief when I found my fur to finally be silky. I never really did this, grooming my tail since Lloyd, my cousin was the only one who knew about it, and I never really found a reason since I wasn't exactly letting it swing behind my legs. If the ninja ever found out, they would probably toss me out. 

But tonight it was mandatory. Tonight was the annual werewolf event. Everyone will be there, pure-breeds and half-breeds alike. I was a half-breed, my father a werewolf, my mother a human. Unlike pure-breeds, I won't be able to shift into an actual wolf, but I had H/C wolf ears and a fluffy, H/C tail. I jumped up from my bed, making my way to my mirror and brushing and pinning back my H/L, H/C hair, brushing foundation onto any blemishes on my S/C skin, and swiping on mascara onto my lashes, making my E/C eyes pop. I ran my hands over my body, smoothing out any creases in my outfit. 

I placed some power into my hands, running them over my tail, watching with a sigh as my tail disappeared from view. I did the same to my ears, watching in the mirror as my ears disappeared. I wish I could just let them stay out, it was annoying having to hide them every morning, but if I did that, the ninja would probably call me disgusting. I didn't want that,

Especially from Zane. 

I rushed out of my room. The sun was setting. As I entered the living room, I froze. The entire gang was there. Cole and Jay were playing video games, Lloyd and Kai were sitting on the couch. Kai noticed me first, giving a smile. 

"Wow Y/N! You look pretty good!" He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "What's the occasion?"

I giggled.

"One of my friends is having a party at her house and she invited me!" I fiddled with my skirt/pants/shorts. "She lives just a little ways away so....."

I froze as a soft voice came from behind me.

"You look lovely Y/N."

Heat flooded up to my neck and into my cheeks as I slowly turned to find Zane walking from the kitchen, drying his hands with a small towel. I shifted, glancing down towards my rear just to make sure that my tail truly was hidden. It was. 

"T-T-Thanks Zane...." I whispered, fiddling with my fingers.

"What is the occasion?" He asked, coming to stand beside me.

I swallowed, pulling at my hair, something I did when nervous. I prayed that my ears were hidden. 

"F-Friends party...." I whispered.

He gave a small smile, making my heart melt before he patted my head. My knees went weak.

"Of course, have fun." He said, giving me a smile that made my heart burst. 

I could feel the blood rush up my neck and towards my cheeks faster, hurriedly turning away my head and rushing to the door, pulling it open.

"W-Well I'm off! I'll see you guys later!"

I slammed the door behind me, breathing deeply before rushing away, hurrying towards town.  The celebration hosted at an old apartment building abandoned at the edge of the city, far from any normal humans. I was excited for this event, even though this was my fourth time going, it still never failed to send a shiver of thrill down my spine. As I grew closer to the old, rickety apartment building, a joyful howl escaped my throat, other howls just as joyful answering my call. I beamed, eager to start the night. 

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