Zane x Shy!Reader: Party Time Confession

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This one-shot was requested by MeifwaGirl_22 Thank you for requesting and enjoy!

You laughed as Jay stumbled with the streamers again, the brightly colored ribbons tangling further against his legs. He fell with a thud, groaning and complaining.

"Y/N! Don't just stand there!!" He wriggled on the floor, struggling to untangle the increasingly tangling streamers. "Help me!"

You continued to laugh, shaking your head as you knelt beside him to take the colorful strings of ribbons.

"I told you not to do that Jay," You chuckled. "This is entirely your fault."

He huffed, crossing his arms and pouting.

"I am a beautiful ballerina!" He objected, turning away his head. "It's the streamer's fault for not listening."

You giggled, slipping the last streamer from around his ankles. You stood and extended your hand for him to take. He grasped it tightly, stumbling to his feet when you yanked.

"Anyway," He ruffled your hair. "Thanks for helping Y/N. Are you excited about the party tonight?"

You sighed, rubbing your neck as your smile faltered. Sensei was hosting a party to celebrate the promotion of his tea shop and to be honest, you weren't looking forward to it. Parties have never been your forte, they always seemed to make you uncomfortable and anxious. You always felt like people were judging you.

"A little bit?" You said, the comment sounding like a confusing question.

He chuckled, ruffling your hair again. "Don't sweat it Y/N, just have fun."

You smiled, nodding quickly before rushing off to help the next person. Cole was grabbing table cloths, and, like Jay, had to be untangled, Kia was lighting the lanterns, grumbling to himself as he did. Nya was in town grabbing you and her new outfits.

The only one left to help was Zane.

You flushed pink, biting your lip as you peeked at the kitchen, where you knew Zane was making the snacks and treats and other delicacies. You've always had a crush on the white-haired boy. His calm demeanor was relaxing, and his voice was soothing to you. You didn't know when you had fallen in love, but by the time you had realized it, you couldn't help it. You could hear the clunking of pans and pots. Your hands fumbled around themselves before you huffed, rushing into the kitchen before you could slip away.

There he was, his back to you, humming to himself as he placed a pot on the stove, nearby was a cutting board, on it half-sliced peaches. You swallowed before knocking on the doorway, his head turning. A sweet smile played his lips.

"Y/N, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

You swallowed again.

"W-W-Well, I-um-I could I...will, can I-I." You cleared your throat. "Can I, help you with the food?"

He blinked, his smile seeming to turn sweeter.

"Of course, could you finish the peaches, please? I'm planning on making a peach cobbler."

You nodded eagerly, rolling up your sleeves.

"O-Of c-course! I'd love to!"

You quickly made it to his side. For the next little while, you two worked in silence, peaceful and serene, the only sound the clicking of the knife and the tapping of the wooden spoon against the pot. You liked this, the silence, no need to keep conversation.

"So Y/N," Zane hummed from the stove. "Are you excited about the party? I heard there are going to be quite a few people."

You paused in your chopping.

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