Memories and Masters.

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3 years later.


I watch in sadness and disgust as Dee plunges his tongue into Dean's mouth or maybe that's Dean's tongue in Dee's mouth I'm not even sure.

I wipe up the little spill on the table and even though it's not that bad, it keeps me busy and it's going to bother me regardless. I also arrange the shots glasses for like the fifth time this night.

Crushes suck, I've had a crush on Damon for the longest time now I think I did ever since I saw him. Granted that I didn't quite understand the feeling when I was younger, the older I became I just seem to gravitate more towards him and honestly it's quite hard not to.

I know something happened on the night of my 18th birthday but it's like there's a silent undertaking between us to never speak about it. I remember the dancing and my inability to hold my liquor but that's besides the point, I remember being carried and I remember something about a kiss but I can't piece any of it together.

Tommie did try to help me piece together what happened especially when Dee was acting awkward following that night. It's like he knew my deepest secret, a small gasp escapes me at that but I never thought about it in the three years until now. Does he know that I've been watching Netflix for free for like five years now? It's not my fault that I can get through their firewall in my defense. Can I be arrested for that? Oh god I'm going to jail, but I can't bear to even go through my panic as Dean moans loudly for everyone to hear.

"I swear I read somewhere that bartenders are very good listeners." I'm torn out of my session of disgust to be faced with master Nate.

"I'm so sorry master Nate I didn't mean to ignore you, I was just..." I can't complete my sentence, partially because I don't know what to say. I'm sorry I'm too busy ogling my brother's best friend?

"It's okay Marco, hit me with something strong please." My eyes widen because master Nate is never one for 'the strong drinks' he's always a beer man.

"May I take you on that offer to listen?" I ask as I slide the shot of tequila to him and he catches it easily with a mesmerizing beautiful smile.

"I just want to know why people do stupid things." He says seriously and a snort escapes me at that.

"I think it's a little harsh to say someone did something stupid because people see things differently and act accordingly to how they perceive the situation. It might be stupid to us but it made sense to them at the time." He seemed taken back by my response and I quickly slam my hands on my lips, did I say something bad? "I'm sorry master Nate." His soft brown eyes just study me carefully as I fidget before he replies again.

"Why are you apologizing Marco?" He asks softly and after a long thought I reply.

"I'm not sure sir." I mumble out in reply.

"You did nothing wrong, I was just taking back because that's the most I ever heard you say and besides I never thought of people's stupidity that way."

He slides the glass back to me before gesturing for another. I pour another shot and slide it over to him.

Other people approach the bar as the club is getting really filled up now, master Adrian, master Marcel, master Kasper and of course Dashiel and Trip have all arrived and are in their usual spot right across from the bar. Dee and Dean are still busy with each other's bodies, but for the first time this night I'm not bothered about them but the man that's downing his shots in swift motions that'll put Godspeed to shame.

"I just treated a man who thought it'll be a good idea to get an ass piercing." My eyes widen involuntarily as I clench my butt cheeks in reflex. That's..... that's a thing? "Thing is it got infected and of course he came to the hospital. Is there anywhere in the world where getting a piercing in the crack of the ass is not stupid?"

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