Dungeons and ropes.

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I slow down my speed and lift one of her legs on my shoulder before slamming my cock balls deep into her tight chute.

I unleash all my pent up frustration from my trip on her and from the sounds from her mouth, she seems to have no complaints. I slam into her over and over again, my hips gyrate to another angle and I know I've found her pleasure spot when she starts begging me to let her cum.

"Hold it Sam." I command her and she nods slowly with tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Her tight chute clenches around my cock and I feel my release coming on. With one last move, I flick her clit gently "Cum" The tightening on my cock pushes me over the edge and I spill over and over into her hot channel as she milks every last drop of seed from my cock.

I pull out slowly and head straight to the bathroom to get a new washcloth and wet it with water to clean us up.

As with every other time which is countless that I've done this, I have absolutely nothing to say. It's a one-night stand what am I supposed to say? O hey I think the Colts suck, what's your favorite NFL team? I don't freaking have anything to say, this is not even what I want so let's just do the awkward clean up and move on to our daily activities.

"You feel okay?" I ask.

"Yes master Damon." Her voice sounds croaky, probably from all the screaming so I reach into the mini fridge in my playroom and grab a bottle of water for her.

"Drink slowly." I instruct her. She does as I said and drinks to her fill before handing the bottle back to me. "You need anything else let me know, alright?"

"Okay master. Uhm can you help me pull my ponytail tight?" She extends the scrunchie towards me and I take it from her and use my trick of using the scrunchie first as well as using a small piece of hair to tighten the hold.


"Yes sir. Thank you." I reciprocate her large smile as we walk out of my playroom together. She breaks off to meet her friends and I head towards my usual sitting area with Dash and the rest of our friends.

"Day I have a question for you." Kyle one of our friends from middle school days and the CEO of the security company majority of our businesses are contracted to, calls out as I take my seat next to Adrian.

"Shoot" I reply in a clipped tone as my eyes search around for a certain someone but I can't find him anywhere.

"When was the last time you got tested bro?" Dash snorts as Trip quickly covers his mouth with his shirt to hide his laughter.

I flip the bird at the fucker before replying "Are you trying to call me a hoe?" I ask in mock shock.

"I mean if the shoe fits then you gotta rock it." He replies and I roll my eyes at him.

"I was clean as of a month ago." Where is Marco? He usually covers for that kid uhm Carl I think his name is.

"Was? So you're saying you might not be clean now?"

"And you wonder why I put laxatives in your food those years ago, keep running that mouth Kimmich." I dare him, he raises his hands in surrender.

I nudge Adrian the head dom after a while, I can't nudge off this feeling for some reason. "Where's Marco?" I whisper so only him can hear.

"He was at the bar a couple of minutes ago." He looks around too but my Marco is nowhere to be found.

"Who are you guys looking for?" Dash's eyes looks between us seeking an explanation for our motions of looking around like creeps. It's going to be weird explaining to him why I'm looking for his brother, isn't it?

"No one, it's nothing." I shrug it off and even though he doesn't believe me like one bit he lets it go.

"Marco is in the dungeon." I somehow think my ears are deceiving because I swear I heard Marco and a dungeon in the same sentence. They shouldn't be infact they should be as parallel as a hairline is to a bald person.

"Excuse me?" I turn towards Trip's voice as he's the bearer of the news that's presently bubbling a storm of rage in me. I hate this feeling if possessiveness I have over Marco because it makes me a fucking hypocrite and I swear I'm not but clearly I am, it makes me lose my fucking mind when I hear, or see someone else even as little as touch my Marco.

"He's been hanging around the dungeon lately." He replies with a nonchalant shrug but the underlying smirk he's trying to hide makes the situation all the more unsettling for me.

"How do you let your fucking brother go to the dungeon!" I whisper yell dangerously close to his ear. Okay the dungeon is not as much of a terrible place like I make it sound, it's just a place that gives a literal meaning to 'painful pleasure' if you're into the sadism/masochism part of BDSM.

"Marco is an adult and I'm not gonna hover around him while he does his own thing, second if you have a problem with his decisions then fucking do something about it. This whole display is getting tiring." I'm taken aback at the daring demeanor at which he owns me, not so much by the words but by the underlying meanings behind it.

"You know?"

"As well as anyone else that has eyes, it's been years Day do something about it and end both of your misery or you keep it moving. You can't eat your cake and have it." I'm not who or what Marco needs, I watched him grow up, isn't that like me taking advantage of him? He's so pure and innocent and intelligent and perfect and my best friend's freaking brother. I need something strong asap.

I order two shots of tequila from the bar and down both of them back-to-back before requesting two more and downing those again. It takes about five minutes before I start feeling the buzz, the slightly altered feeling, problems slowly fading away, eyes becoming clearer as day, a little thirst for more but for now I'll enjoy this wave and just ride it out.

Must've been thirty maybe forty minutes of uneasy thinking of everything Trip said or then again it might have been the voice of the alcohol but I find myself going to the dungeon for who-knows-what but I know my legs are carrying me there.

The dim light, predominant red and black aesthetics, the yellow light emitting from the electric candles contrasting deeply with the chocolate brown color of the walls. It's gives a beautiful sight and an odd homely feeling. The smooth jazz in the background reminding me of my mom's early Saturday morning dates with Motown, George Duke, and Anita Baker on our vintage record player.

There's a couple of scenes going on, a pet play on the side, a cute brat taming scene to the far corner but none of them really catch my eyes as the rope scene smack front and center between Marco and Luciano. Luciano is mumbling something to Marco softly with his hands caressing Marco's face, my blood boils at the exchange partially because I've always hated Luciano for some unexplainable reason and fully because of the strong possessive feelings I have towards a certain gorgeous being.

Marco is dressed in only some tight purple briefs and I'm granted first class seat access to creamy skin that I bet will change color to a nice shade of red upon impact. Taut nipples that will perk up even more under the ministrations of my tongue, lips oh those lips that drive me crazy so pink and soft waiting to be taken, smooth delectable legs like that of an gymnast, firm and exactly proportionate to his small stature. Unholy thoughts pulse through my mind, I'm as hard as a rock and I think I'm going to lose it if these thoughts continue like this.

Luciano grabs the hemp rope and motions Marco towards the bondage table, laying on his abdomen with his feet raised in the air and hands behind his back Luciano begins by wrapping the rope delicately around the area slightly above Marco's ankle and securing it with a prusik knot.

He moves around to the other side to continue the scene and that's when Marco's eyes connect with mine.

I walk out of the dungeon immediately without looking back, straight to the underground garage, get into my Jeep and zoom out to god-knows-where.

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