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Kyana was rushed away into her room, needing to be dressed and taken back to Jaskier and Geralt. Jaskier had given Geralt a blue overcoat with a light grey shirt underneath, followed by light and slightly baggy black trousers.

Jaskier himself wore his black trousers with a gold and brown embroidered overcoat, his shirt not seen. They talked as they waited for Kyana, who was being tended by the maids in her room.

Her hair was placed up in a bun with delicate swirls of hair framing her face. She wore no makeup; her natural beauty was more than enough. The dress was beautiful, even Kyana had to admit that. She was given an off the shoulder emerald green dress. It had no diamonds or patterns on it, just a beautiful plain pattern that made Kyana look like a goddess. Even though it 'took away from her beauty', Kyana insisted on wearing her Witcher necklace.

She left her room, barefoot with half of her dress bundled in one hand and shoes in the other. She looked exasperatedly at the men in front of her, already fed up of the dress and longing for her armour.

"My my, Kyana! Your beauty could rival Princess Pavetta!" Jaskier exclaimed. Kyana's fake smile faltered slightly. Nervousness erupted inside of her like one of the bombs she brewed.

"Thank you, Jaskier, you exaggerate." Kyana placed the shoes on the floor and slipped her feet into them. They were flats, seen as Kyana was already 5'9. Geralt stood at last. If he didn't know better, he would have guessed Kyana was a queen, with her beauty and her deadly abilities.

"You look beautiful." Geralt offered. His compliment was a lot more impactful than Jaskier's, because Kyana knew he didn't compliment people, at all. Kyana smiled at him, genuinely this time, as the hand on the small of her back guided her to the carriage Jaskier had rented.

The whole time, Jaskier tried composing a new ballad, failing miserably every time. "If I was God, I'd give her a pass, with her beautiful face, and her perfect-" Jaskier stopped, realizing what he'd just done, shaking his head and starting again. "If she could see, I love her soul, with vibrant hair, her marvelous- oh for God's sake." Kyana let out a small laugh, admiring the view out of the carriage.

"Geralt, do stop staring at her, you're being creepy." Kyana faced Geralt, who refused to take his eyes from her until she looked at him.

"Fuck off Jaskier. I can look at my wife if I want to." Jaskier smirked, having caught Geralt in the game.

"But she's not your wife, is she?" Geralt looked to Kyana knowingly, who held her hands up in defense.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Geralt didn't even falter, looking at her and her alone.

"Because he's too stupid to figure it out, you told him." Kyana rolled her eyes playfully.

"I suppose I owe you those 5 coins now, huh." She said, looking at the way his eyebrows dipped towards the end. "However, you did bet until dusk, and that bet was four years ago, so I guess neither of us win." Kyana reasoned.

"Oh no, you aren't getting out of it that easy. You broke the rules, you owe me 5 Orens." Geralt insisted, while Jaskier looked back and forth between the two of them in bewilderment.

"What are you two speaking of?" Kyana turned to him with a sheepish smile, gesturing to Geralt with her hand.

"We bet on how long we could elude you. Apparently he wins."

"I did win, you cheated."

"There was hardly a written rule book."

"It's common sense, you broke the bet."

"Funny how you speak of common sense when you have none."

"Well you're clearly both meant for each other." Jaskier mumbled bitterly under his breath, breaking up the playful argument that had commenced. Both Witchers turned to look at Jaskier with an annoyed expression. "Kyana." Jaskier turned to her, his elbows resting on his knees as he spoke. "Why wouldn't you marry?"

Kyana scoffed. "We're Witchers, Jaskier. I can't marry even if I want to, at least not to a human." Kyana sighed, unfazed by what she was about to say. "Besides, I may be pretty to look at, but what man in his right mind wants a barren, immortal woman who can't give him money or sons." Jaskier gave her a sympathetic look. Geralt answered for Jaskier in order to reassure her.

"A man who loves you." He said gently, hoping against all hope Kyana could see how much of a blessing she was to the earth. Kyana smiled at him sadly, taking his words to heart. The rest of the carriage ride was quiet until the castle came into view. The bard talked their ears off for the entirety of their short walk to the castle, as though making up for lost time in the silent carriage.

"Right, so stick close to me, look mean and pretend you're mutes. Can't have anyone finding out who either of you actually are." Kyana knew the second she saw the bearded man in the corner, her identity was out of the window.

"Kyana of Cintra! The beautiful Witcher!" Jaskier cursed, whereas Kyana simply smiled and allowed the man to embrace her. "I haven't seen you since I was but a boy!"

Kyana laughed. "Hello, Mouseack, it's wonderful to see you again. How's your wife? I trust your daughters are well?" He nodded enthusiastically, drinking some of the beer he had in his cup, before answering an old friend.

"Helena is just fine, thank you. I swear the crone is complaining more and more every day." He joked. "My girls are fully grown now, can you believe it! To think just a few decades ago they were born, and a few decades before that I was born, and grew up with you bladesmithing with my father!" Kyana nodded fondly at the memory. After she had joined the Witchers, Kyana wanted to learn how to make a sword, to feel the pride when she saw it, so she sought out lessons from Mouseack's father.

"I remember him fondly. He was a good man. Are any of your daughters married?" Mouseack grinned again, jumping at the opportunity.

"Oh yes, to be sure. My eldest, Calanthe, after our great queen, married just a few years ago. Nice chap named Orion. Then my second eldest, Kenna, married three years ago to a wealthy lord, god knows what his name is. And my youngest, Fiova, married just last month." Kyana smiled, pleasantly surprised at his last daughter. She had only known of two daughters, not of three.

"Oh that's brilliant news, I send my congratulations to all of them." She said politely. Mouseack grinned, noticing the man behind her and staring in awe, back and forth.

"No. No way in hellfire did you marry Geralt of Rivia! Oh, how lovely!" Before Kyana could correct him, he steam rolled on in his exclamation of delight. "He's perfect for you! I mean, look at him, all broody and mysterious! My friend, you've married well!" He took her hands in his and shook them vigorously.

Kyana laughed, a small smile ghosting her lips. "We aren't married, Mouseack." He looked back and forth, a little disappointed.

"Well then, I am disappointed, but at least you're not married, there's still hope yet!" He said gleefully, elbowing Geralt lightly, who simply glared.

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