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The castle smelled of copper it was so covered in the blood of innocent men, women and children that had both fought for their Queen and had been caught in the crossfire. Hundreds dead, hundreds alive, ready to kill more and more until they had what they wanted. Bodies lay motionless on the floors; everywhere. Outside in the courtyard, in the market square, in the halls of the castle, even the main hall was so covered in death you couldn't see the tiles. 

Kyana and Geralt stood in Calanthe's room; the room in which they should've received Ciri. It made Kyana huff that Calanthe had turned them down so harshly. If she had just given Geralt and Kyana Ciri, she would be long out of the castle, out of the city, safe. Now, no one knew where Ciri resided, if she was even alive. That left Kyana in a position she didn't want to be in; she was Queen. Kyana, a Witcher, in love with a Witcher, was a Queen. She could've laughed at the thought alone. Instead they chose to ignore Kyana's sudden launch into power, focusing on the matter at hand. 

Geralt paced around the room, using his enhanced senses to concentrate on specific areas, such as the scent Ciri carried, places she would go, people who would go with her. Kyana picked up flower petals while Geralt found a book, examining its contents and finding nothing interesting. Geralt's promise to keep Ciri safe rang loudly in his head as he concentrated on the pull of the bond casted by the Law of Surprise. His head snapped up, feeling the pull of Ciri, and tracking the scent to down the corridor, to the left. 

Kyana picked up a letter from Calanthe's table, addressed to her from a council. It was bloodied around the edges, no doubt from the deaths of the guards, and Calanthe herself being hurt before she died. Kyana opened the letter, reading it's contents reasonably quickly, before her mouth dropped open. Geralt noticed her quick change in demeanor, his eyebrows drawn as he approached her. "Is something wrong?" She said nothing, just handed him the letter. His frown deepened, taking the piece of parchment and reading it's contents. 

Queen Calanthe, 

We write to you in urgent need of your help. Our ruler, Queen Merinaeveleth of Zerrikania, has been poorly for some time, and unfortunately, at midnight last night, she succumbed to her illness. This of course leaves us without a ruler, as our late Queen had no children of her own. In our search for a ruler, we came across a likely tie that would be hugely beneficial to both of our kingdoms should this work in our favour.  

We ask of you, Queen Calanthe, to find your half sister, the Witcher Serana Kyana Riannon, in order for us to restore her place on our throne. If you did not know, we've reason to believe the late King Eustace was the good lady's father, which makes her the direct and legitimate heir to both our kingdom and yours. Should our suspicions be true, Kyana is of a legitimate blood alliance, and will be the next Queen of Cintra. We do hope however, that you understand when she does arrive here and is placed on the throne, she will also have legal claim to your throne. Our advice to you is to abdicate your throne in place of Serana, the rightful heir. She is of extreme importance, and must arrive here immediately. Should she not find her way here, or go missing on her journey, please be aware that we will take drastic action to locate and avenge our Queen. 

We will hear from you soon, we're sure

The Zerrikanian Council. 

Geralt dropped the letter into the fireplace, watching as it burnt and folded in on itself in the flames. Kyana could fully ignore the new place of her in succession to the Cintrian throne, but this? This was not so easy to discard. Zerrikania had already made it very clear they would be coming for Kyana if she wasn't there soon, and this letter was sent over a month ago. If the Zerrikanian guards were here, they'd drag her back with them weather she liked it or not. "We need to keep moving." Kyana mumbled, twisting to grab the sword she had discarded. "I can elude them for as long as I can, pretend I wasn't told, come back here with an army to take back the castle. But we need to move if we want to find Ciri. Now." Geralt didn't question her, only taking her hand, holding her reassuringly as they rushed out of the burning castle. 

On horseback, the Witchers resumed their pursuit of Ciri, having gone all the way back to square one. Geralt had been soothing Kyana every step they had taken, his horse remaining close to hers so that he could keep his hand in hers, drawing small circles with his thumb. Kyana's breathing was labored, hoping against all hope she could overcome whatever the situation she currently found herself in. The thumping in her heart was gradually worsening as thoughts of her having to lead armies and make alliances, bear children. That made her flinch; bear children. Geralt was still infertile, even if Kyana wasn't. If she had to produce heirs, they would make her marry another man. It shattered her heart. 

"Hey, you'll be okay." Geralt reassured, hearing the heartbeat increasing in her chest. Kyana turned to him with tears in her eyes, afraid beyond words. Her mind accidentally and subconsciously pushed some of her feelings into Geralt's mind, physically showing him the worry that tore through her heart. "Stop, stop for a moment." Geralt pulled on Pegasus' reigns, forcing both horses to stop in their tracks. He turned in his saddle, dismounting with her to face her completely. "Talk to me, Blue." 

Kyana refrained from crying, willing the salty tears to abandon their mission in drifting down her face. Her head fell as a way to hide them, as though the sight of them would leave Geralt disgusted. "I don't want to leave you, but I'm going to have to." Geralt frowned, unaware of what she was talking about. 

"What are you talking about? I'm not going anywhere." Kyana sniffed, allowing her head to lift to meet his eyes. Her hands had wrapped themselves around her waist, hugging herself in an attempt to soothe her. 

"I'm fertile, Geralt." In that one sentence alone, he knew what she meant. Silence settled over them as he thought long and hard. He knew what he wanted to do, but he didn't like what it came with. He wanted to stay with Kyana, guide her through life, but he wasn't sure he could watch her give up on her career, her life as she knew it. "I'm going to be forced out of my life, married off to some creep and forced to bear his children." Kyana specified, tearing Geralt's heart out. 

He had known this would happen one day. He'd already thought about it, and the consequences of what he was about to do. It would either make or break their relationship, tear them apart or make them stronger than ever. Geralt reached into his saddlebag and hesitated, wondering if she would take this as an insult or see how genuine he was. His hand pulled out of the bag, and he faced her once again, her confused expression meeting his nervous one. 

Geralt got down on one knee. 

Kyana's mouth dropped open as he pulled the lid from a small black box. In it, was a beautiful ring, proudly showcasing a cut emerald and blue tinted casting in the metal. It must've cost Geralt an arm and a leg, yet he presented it to her as though it were the greatest thing he had ever held. The moonlight bounced off it, the gem a perfect match for Kyana. 

"I've been thinking about this for years, but I wasn't sure how to ask you, or if you'd even consider it." Geralt paused, watching her hands flutter upwards to cup her mouth. He wasn't sure, but he swore he could see a smile behind her hands, creasing the corners of her eyes. He was motivated to continue, a smile of his own tugging at his lips. "Kyana, I love you ardently, unconditionally, and eternally. There's no one I'd rather be with, and there's no one I could ever love as much as I love you. I need to spend the rest of my life with you, no matter what obstacles we face, no matter who we have to be. I love you so much, Blue. Will you marry me?" 

Kyana laughed, her smile seemingly tearing her face in half. Geralt was happy to see her crying tears of joy, removing the worry and doubt that his love would be strong enough to sacrifice everything for her. She was glad she was proven wrong. 

"I love you." Kyana gasped out, taking a deep breath and giving him the answer that will change his life. "Yes. A thousand times yes." Geralt's grin was huge, the biggest she'd seen by far. He stood and helped her place the ring onto her finger, watching her laugh with a girly excitement, before pulling her to him for a long, deep and loving kiss. 

Kyana was lifted into the air as Geralt twirled her around, laughing hysterically and kissing him over and over, intent that their love would last lifetimes, and eternities past that. 

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