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Geralt's look pressed Chireadan for more information.

"I was tasked with bringing this mage to justice. But I was unable to penetrate certain defenses. The mayor himself has made the catch and has imprisoned the mage in his house." Geralt scoffed, suddenly distrusting the elf.

"That wasn't so fucking hard, was it?" He wrenched Jaskier upwards, rather roughly, which Kyana had to bite her tongue not to yell at him for. Jaskier's eyes widened at the sudden jolt, the lump in his throat constricting the airflow and disabling him to speak. 

"Be careful. The mage is powerful and malicious. And quite cunning." Still, Geralt wouldn't listen, pushing past Chireadan and heaving Jaskier out of the tent. His face held determination, focus, and his stubborn will. No matter how he hated Jaskier, or how Kyana loved him, Geralt wasn't about to let him die. Not like this. 

"I'll go find him." Geralt grumbled, pushing Jaskier to walk quicker. Kyana stayed a few seconds behind, just enough time to give Chireadan a kind and thankful smile, before leaving. The pace they had traveled at was unbelievable, especially Roach, who had been carrying both the mountain that was Geralt and the twig that was Jaskier. 

When they had arrived at the mayor's house, a man at the front door stopped them. "Woah, fee for entrance." He demanded before either of them had even gotten off of their horses. Kyana huffed a breath to clear a strand of hair from her face, gripping on her restless horse' reigns. 

"Please, this is urgent." Kyana pleaded politely enough. The man shrugged, clearly uncaring.

"I don't make the rules, but money opens all doors." He spoke greedily with a slimy smirk. Geralt reluctantly pulled out a bag of coin, using it to hit the man's head upwards and effectively knocking him out. Kyana rose an eyebrow at him, but didn't hesitate to allow Pegasus to walk right over the guard. 

"So it does." Geralt commented spitefully, guiding Roach to the house. When they had dismounted, Geralt chose to carry Jaskier over his shoulder to walk quicker. They all but ran in through the tunnels, arriving to what looked like a kitchen. Geralt placed Jaskier down on the table to rest for a few seconds, only to turn and be met with Kyana's horror stricken face.

The mayor, as naked as the day he was born, stood calmly in the kitchen. The jug he was holding fell from his grasp, hitting the floor and shattering. "Welcome to my home." He greeted them politely, as though nothing was wrong. Kyana attempted to push her gaze absolutely anywhere but the mayor, much to Geralt's amusement. 

"You're the Mayor of Rinde? Not exactly what I was expecting." Geralt looked back at Jaskier, who's shirt was stained with the blood he'd thrown up. "Sorry, he's in a bad way. Is there a mage that lives here?" Geralt excused Jaskier, getting straight to the point.

"Ah. The apple juice! She wants some. And she always gets what she wants." The mayor commented whimsically. Kyana's eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment. Apple juice? When mead and wine existed, why would a mage want apple juice?

Geralt frowned. "I don't understand. Does he want me to get him the apple juice?" Kyana shrugged, watching as the mayor flopped all over the place. Geralt picked up the jug, turning to present it to the mayor, who had sat in a chair and fallen asleep. He sighed and rose his gaze to Kyana.

"Help me get him upstairs?" She nodded, taking Jaskier gently from Geralt and helping him up the stairs. The stairs were covered with a smokey mist, which made all three confused. Geralt listened to the music, guiding them towards the room and opening the door. Kyana wasn't prepared for what she saw. At least 40 people were in the room, every single one of them doing some sort of sexual activity. Jaskier's eyes went wide, and Geralt and Kyana looked at each other in surprise. Really not what they were expecting. Instead of voicing their thoughts, Kyana continued to walk further into the room, Jaskier by her side.

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