Entry number 1

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Both Elyssa and the baby have been doing well. She's been very protective of the child. If anyone approaches, she growls at them. I haven't been to see them but I've observed the subjects via camera footage. Elyssa sings sweet lullabies to the girl. She has a beautiful voice, reminds me of my mother. But I'm remaining emotionless. I can't grow attached to the subjects. Elyssa called the baby Libitina. Such an interesting name. I'm not sure of its meaning or why she even thought of that as a name but I'll look into it later. The child is progressing well. She was an unexpected surprise. I was just doing Elyssa's sexual response test. I don't even understand why they chose me to do it. There are plenty of guys in the facility who'd be more willing to fuck her. I may be a man of science but I don't do sluts like her. Sometimes I wish I'd stayed in my hometown and didn't get mixed up with this cult shit. I'll check up on Elyssa tomorrow, see how she's doing. Apparently she's been asking for me. I think I'm the only person in this whole place that she actually likes. She hasn't bitten me yet, even when I technically raped her so she must've taken to me. God damnit. Why isn't my job a lot easier?

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