Out Of League

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”Will you be alright there on your own?” He asks with concern
“Yes, Mike I’ll be okay. Besides I have Dana, Grace and Maya coming along with me” explaining myself.
“No boys? Them 3 girls might do something to you, you’ being good looking and all” he said with humour
“Separate rooms are already provided by Mr. Cruz, our Head, they all got it planned and covered; even the food and allowances”
“I’ll send some money on your account tomorrow for you might get short. It was such a shame to spend the rest of your semestral break on Batangas” his voice lowered
“The National Athletics Society of the Philippines decided to held the event there, Mike. Besides, this will be a very big break for my Photojournalism career if I handled this well. This would be an amazing experience for me.” I patiently explicate. I heard no reply on the line.
“Mike, I’ll text you when we get there, and I might give you a short call if I have the time, please don’t worry so much” I begged
“Vince, you know that’s impossible” I knew that was coming
“Dad, please. Trust me on this” I asked with compassion. I’m such a good actor. The static emanates from the line
“Okay Vince, Don’t make me worry, you promised.”
“I promise, Mike” I just know him too well
“I love you” said
“I know you do” the line ended.

I can’t wait to tell Glenn about my big break but unfortunately, because of what happened at gym practice, I never got a chance. Today is the last day of the semester and marks the 30th day of Glenn-less days. Why am I counting anyways? Have I ever learned? I should never kindle this type of feelings, I think it’s the best way to live. Build a wall and never let anyone pass thru even with good intentions because sooner or later they will change into a savage beast hungry for more than you can offer them, with all the promises of imperfection, they seek to devour the innings of your thoughts and suck the love out of your heart until they can’t get enough and leave for someone else leaving only a hollow vessel of melancholic mess.

It seems that Glenn already got the message, after a week of ignoring his text messages and trying my best to not be seen at the school grounds- it’s a mission accomplished. How long should I keep this up? He’s a sophomore and I am a freshman, I still got to live with him for the next two years of the academe life! Not to mention if the school paper assigns me to write an article about the varsity players, I just can’t keep this up. I don’t want my college life to be ruined by just a guy, or is it me that will ruin it? Why does it have to be this complicated?

 I woke up by the sound of my phone ringing. It was Dana.

“Wake up Vince!! I’ve been calling forever!” she said panicking and with disappointment.
“Sorry, I fell asleep while packing my things. Why are you shouting anyways?” I asked calmly.
“Why are you so calm?! Can you look at the time?” she replied laughing.
I glanced at my wrist watch, 4:30 am. I was like, “what’s the big deal?” trying to figure out something. My mind’s still asleep. I look at the invitation “Call time 5:30 am” written at the card.

It was a bumpy one. Good thing I popped a Bonamine before our ride. For a long travel like this I usually take a pill of Benadril. It would keep me asleep most of the trip but since it is my first time going to Batangas, I would like to enjoy the beauty of the Philippines down South.

Dana’s head suddenly rest on my shoulder, I didn’t mind. She lifts her head up again.


Okay, that was a little painful. I continue to appreciate the view outside my window. She lifts her head up again. She must be really tired last night.


“Dana! What the?!” I nag, shrugging my shoulder to awaken her.
“What?!” said she; hearing her voice at the back of my seat. I was shocked and confused at the same time. Panic embraced me as I checked who is seated beside me.

“I’m sorry” said by an unfamiliar voice.

“Par!” I said while turning my head to Dana putting that WTF face.
“He was late and he asked for that seat so uhm. I’m sorry for not letting you know” She explained
 “I can go seat at the back if you want” Par said stuttering.

Par is the Tall, Dark and Handsome type of guy that every school girls drool about, his Japanese dad owns a Brewery and is well known locally and abroad, and her mom is a humble Ilocana who, despite their riches, still works as a public school teacher at their hometown. Par Akatsuki is really a goodlooking, well bred person, an eligible bachelor that anyone will fight for. Yes, he's attractive, but i won't join the fight for the perfect hubby, he's out of my league.  

I took my seat tried to calm down. Why am I mad? Is it because I know Par and Glenn are best friends? Glenn talks about Par sometimes and I saw how good of a friends they are. I don’t want to be involved to anyone close to Glenn anymore. It helps me forget to pretend he doesn’t exist. Par probably saw that I calmed down and stayed, I should have not acted like that was a big deal, come to think, I was exaggerating. I felt my face warm as summer. I stole a glance at him, he was looking at me. I was drenched with a molten lava. He tap my shoulder.

“Vince, I should have told you I was going to take her seat but you were fast asleep. I find it hard to ruin the cuteness” he said smiling.

Cuteness? Who? Me? I didn’t know Par do sweet talk. I looked at him admiring his perfect Sean O’Pry eyes. Why all varsity players look good? A reason for all the girls to get crazy during tournaments. Not to mention that they always hinder me to take good shots from the player. Annoying fangirls.

“I apologize for over reacting, I’m not used to waking up with a stranger beside me” Stanger! Ha! Let’s see how he will react!

He looked down with a blank stare. I immediately felt guilty, why do you have to do that Vince? I got my bag and took a bar of Cadbury that I got for my baon.

“Here, it’s okay really” handing it to him. He smiled and we’re on our own little world again.

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