The D Word

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After many attempts to end the album, There's always a new concept that's being added. And this topic isn't an easy topic to express, when willing too. Daryl called up Toni and Kenny to meet him at the studio to surprise them with a new theme.

"Yo, man", Daryl and Kenny greeted each other. "Now man, why you got me up here", Kenny asked as he pulling up the chair to the keyboard. "Tell you in a sec", Daryl said as Toni enters the room. He greeted and processed with the intervention. They all were sitting. The awkward moment was present. Daryl pulled out a notebook and pen and 2 bottles of water.

Toni and Kenny were all types of confused. "Now, we talked about Love and Marriage, now it's time to get down to Divorce." Toni and Kenny face became puzzled. "Yall not leaving until this whole song is finished either. Daryl handed out 2 pieces of paper and a pen-like it was a homework assignment. The table was silent, everyone staring at one another. "These are our school supplies?', Kenny said to break the silence. They all laugh, easying into the conversation a little more.

"Listen, honestly, I need yall to open up so we could write this song", Daryl said. "I'm open to conversate", Toni replied. All eyes were on Kenny, he was a shy man but he nodded in agreeance. "Great!"

"Now being open is expressing your experience, Kenneth?"

Kenny began to tell how his love story and how it started crashing down. When telling his story, he was venting on the biggest mistake he made in the year of 1992. "-I even hesitated standing up at the Ulta." Toni shook her head in denial which leads him to stop venting. "You forgot one part of the ceremony, Ken."


1997-Edmonds Wedding

10:20 am. The ceremony starts in 10 minutes. Daryl, Toni, L.A Reid, and a few more celebrities were all in attends for the Edmonds Wedding. "Toni are you ok?", Towanda asked but she was stuck in a staredown with Kenny. They were having a heated conversation without even saying a word. Kenny stood at the Ulta as Toni was sitting in the second-row in the front. "Toni, do you hear me?", Towanda nug Toni but she wasn't responding. Towanda looks and finally see what Toni was looking at, which was Kenny Edmonds.

The clock struck 10:30 am, the bride, Tracey, was at the door. She began to walk down the aisle and the eyes of Kenny were taken from Toni. A slow tear starts rolling down her face, she couldn't believe him. How could he stop looking at her, how could the beauty of what could have manifest be dismissed?  Kenny eyes were wide open, and we're so into the beauty of Tracey;  he forgot all about the whole stare down conversation that he and Toni just had.

Tracey walks down the aisle to the rhythm of the wedding song. Which Kenny wrote. Watching the man who you love, being so in love with someone else was too emotional to bear. Tracey finally was at the ultra. The question to end it all, was asked, the question was present and the question needed to be answered; quickly.

"I Object!" Toni scream.

Towanda tried to settle her down but Love won. "I'm here, I'm standing right here in front of everyone. Unlike you Ken, I'm bold. I say what I want and take action to show love, so in front of everyone, I'm professing my Love- that I have for you.

The place gasp. Everyone was shaken. 2 security guards were surrounding Toni and were ready to take her out on Kenny call. Tracey looks at Kenny who was looking at Toni, who was looking at Tracey. With a flick of the wrist, Toni was gone, the wedding continues and the love was lost.


"Yea you forgot about that whole part Kenny?"Toni sat back in her chair and drunk her warm water. "Where was I, in the bathroom or some," Daryl said. Kenny couldn't say a word, he had nothing to say. That was the mistake of his life. "Well you ain't innocent", Kenny interjected.

Daryl just throws his hands up. "What she do Ken." Daryl wanted to get to the bottom of the problem too. "I never said I was innocent, far from that. However I right my wrongs, you drown in yours." That hit a nerve in Ken because as a man, you have no regrets. "Toni, I ain't the one to blame, you dump me too!"

"Oh hell", Daryl's hands went up in frustration. Daryl is a genuine too, he got Toni and Kenny where he needs them to be. Mad, angry and in the emotion of Divorce. "Now, write how you feel, and what you heard on that piece of paper.

They both got to writing, 30 minutes pass and "The D Word" was in progress. Daryl took both the paper and combine their feeling. "Amazing!" Daryl shouted.

"Now, Kenny gets into the booth. I want you to sing your verse." Kenny did as so. Toni and Daryl waited patiently as Kenny took his time getting into his zone.

"I put the paper on your doorstep
The keys under the mat
I know the lawyer said you mail it
I'm still not over you.
There's  so much I wanna tell you
But I really need to  forget
even though we're not together."

Kenny finally finishes and he brush pass Toni as she enters into the booth for her verse. "alright Toni, you mainly going to do the background vocal, as well as one single verse."

"I never like the sound of single
don't tell that to me
tell me how I'm supposed to mingle
when you all I wanna see
There so much I wanna tell you
but I really need to forget
even though we're not together"

Toni verse aligns with Kenny perfectly, like a stream on the water; it just flowed along. By the end of the night, the song was finished. To patch up the cut, Kenny kiss Toni cheek goodbye, for now.

What's a perfect love story anyway?

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