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waiting for lauren's letter day 3 of 5
Today 5:45 AM

you have changed the chat name to waiting for lauren's letter day 4 of 5

pardon me, ladies

but please wake up

ashattack 😏
this had better be good, mani

mila? laur? you up?

green eyes 💖
do we have to change the chat name EVERY day that goes by without my letter?


where's your girl?

mama 👀👅

good, we're all here

green eyes 💖
is this about my letter? it's almost 6am, what could you possibly have to say about my letter?

it's not about your letter per se

but more about this twitter post i just saw

mama 👀👅

ashattack 😏
couldn't this have waited?


so anyways

i was scrolling just now. and i came across a post from harvard (whom i followed shortly after lauren applied)

mama 👀👅
why are you up so early?

never mind that

the post said that acceptance rate was up 17% this year

green eyes 💖
woah woah woah

stop the motherfucking music

you are aware their average rate is 5.2%?

yes. that's why i HAD to tell you! it means you have a good shot of getting in!

green eyes 💖
mani, clearly you don't understand how ridiculous that sounds. their acceptance rates are low because that's the amount of students they're willing to bring in a year. there's no way it made such a drastic increase.

ashattack 😏
i just found the post. she's not relaying the info correctly.

it is up 17%, but it means that the 5.2% acceptance rate has increased by a percent of 17. so, like... 6 some % is the acceptance this year. they phrased it like that for click bate.

green eyes 💖
that makes more sense



that's still an extra like 1%?

mama 👀👅

green eyes 💖
i appreciate the enthusiasm, mani, but i'm honestly starting to lose hope at this point.

mama 👀👅

ashattack 😏
hey now, hold on a sec

laur :/

you can't lose hope. you're so close.

green eyes 💖
what if i'm not?

what if my letter comes and i've been denied? what then?

ashattack 😏
then harvard is fucking stupid and not worth your time anyway

you've still got a little time left. then you can email them, see what's up. but you will get your answer eventually.

mama 👀👅
just remember, baby. everything happens for a reason.

green eyes 💖
you're right.

you're all right.

i'm a dumbass, and you're right.

okay, no.

your feelings are valid. you are not a dumbass because you are upset that you don't know, and that you might not get in.

mama 👀👅
you are perfect. we did not intend to make you feel like you were overreacting, because you're not.

green eyes 💖
can we just... can we leave this gc alone until I know something for certain? maybe it would help if i stop focusing on it so much.

anything you need

mama 👀👅

ashattack 😏

i'm sorry i woke all of you up... i am literally a bitch for that one

ashattack 😏

mama 👀👅
can we at least know why you were up at this hour?



okay fine

i wanted some chicken wings, okay? so i got up and made some.

green eyes 💖

mama 👀👅

i can't sleep hungry!

ashattack 😏

before i go back to bed... laur? you okay?

green eyes 💖
yeah :) love you guys

love you too ❤️

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