Chapter 5

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When Levi and Trinity arrived at the airport, there was a car waiting to take them to the hotel.

"You still haven't informed me as to why I am here. Normally when I travel with you, it's because we are in the process of finalizing a merger, but I take it this is different since Josiah was supposed to travel with you?" Trinity asked once they had settled into the back of the car.

"I've built this big beautiful hotel, right?" Levi asked as he angled his body towards her, and the car suddenly got a whole lot smaller. She could smell his cologne as the heat in the car warmed them.

"Correct," Trinity nodded, doing her best to keep eye contact and not look away. Meeting his eyes had never been a problem before. Why was it now?

"But how am I going to successfully run the hotel in a town of six hundred people?" He watched her as she thought about the problem.

Not that she was thinking about his problem at all. She was thinking that he had beautiful blue eyes and that she loved the way they crinkled at the corners when they narrowed as he was trying to make a point. Realizing she had to say something, she cleared her throat, taking control of her thoughts. "I have no clue, but I'm guessing that you do?"

"Yes, we are attending a convention for spa owners and operators. I have a plan to turn the hotel into a world-class hotel and spa. An all-encompassing getaway, if we include the cabins at the ranch, we can create a multitude of different types of packages."

Trinity nodded. "You could even build a conference center, which would be an inviting option so that those attending could bring their spouses."

Levi grinned. "Even better!"

"But what do you want me to do?" It was still unclear.

"I want you to work the room. Ask the financial questions. Not only do I want a partner who has a good product, but I want one that is financially viable."

"So, this is going to be a partnership deal with the chosen company?"

"Yes, it would be a much easier process with a company that already knows what they are doing, especially since no one on our end knows the industry. I'm not saying that we won't eventually buy the other company out, or maybe they'll buy us out, but either way, we will have created something successful for the Sweet Springs."

"Creating more jobs," Trinity smiled, knowing that was the end goal.

The car pulled to a stop in front of the hotel, and they immediately had someone helping them out of the car and taking their luggage.

Trinity couldn't help but note the way Levi caught people's attention as he entered the lobby. It wasn't that he was dressed improperly or that he was so handsome. It was just who he was as a person. He commanded people's attention, even if his form of dress was understated as it was now.

The desk clerk smiled at him charmingly as she pushed her beautiful blond hair over her shoulder. Trinity felt her stomach turn as Levi returned her smile with a charming one of his own.

"Hello, Jane," he said, noting the name on her name tag. "I should have two rooms under the name Levi Shaw."

"Of course, Mr. Shaw. We were expecting you." Jane typed in a few things then frowned at what appeared on her screen. She typed a few more things, and her frown remained. "I'm sorry Mr. Shaw, but we only have one room booked for you, but it is a double?" Her comment ended with a question. "Is there another name we could try?" she asked hopefully, looking at Trinity.

Trinity gave her name and it was entered only to find there was no reservation under her name. Then they tried Josiah's name with the same result.

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