Chapter 19

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Trinity stood in front of the bathroom mirror, staring at herself, trying to see something different in herself, trying to see what Levi saw in her.

She and Josiah had met for the rest of the afternoon and made it through two of the three company reviews before they called it a day. They were going to finish reviewing the final company the next day. Halfway through their meeting, Levi had texted Josiah and told him to lend Trinity his key because he would be back late.

Trinity hadn't thought anything about it until Josiah let it slip where Levi was and why he was there. She knew he had a meeting with his lawyers, but she assumed it was because of the theft at the hotel. However, that wasn't the case. Josiah told her that he had met several times over the last month with his lawyers in an attempt to get the Savannah paper to print a retraction and discuss the possibility of a lawsuit for liable.

The information had floored Trinity. Why would Levi do that for her? No one had ever done anything like that for her. She refused to let Josiah see how much the news affected her. She knew he was watching her, wanting her to react to the news in some way, but she couldn't. It was too much for her to handle, so she had said that it was kind of him and then focused on work.

Trinity could tell that Josiah was disappointed in her, which was why she was studying herself in a foggy mirror, trying to find something in her that was worthy of such a selfless effort.

With a sigh, she reached for her comb and ran it through her wet hair then reached for the bathrobe that was conveniently hanging on the back of the bathroom door. It was large but warm, and she wandered into the guest bedroom and sat on the bed with a heavy bounce.

She loved Levi. She loved that he would do that for her. He was one of the kindest men that she knew. He trusted her, trusted that she wasn't a killer, that she was worthy of such actions. It was the modern-day version of a white knight fighting a battle on her behalf.  It had to mean something, right?

Trinity heard the front door close and waited as she heard Levi's heavy tread on the step as he climbed the stairs. The door to her room was open, and his door was across from hers so she knew he would see her.

When Levi didn't see her right away, it gave her time to note how tired he looked and knowing why he was so tired made her tear-up. He was holding his jacket in the crook of his elbow, and his head was bent. There was a thoughtful frown on his face as he mulled something over in his mind. He must have felt her gaze on him because he looked over at her, his frown instantly replaced by a smile.

"There you are. I thought it was quiet when I walked in the door."

Trinity didn't say anything, she couldn't, all she could do was stare at him in wonder.

"Is everything alright?" he asked, his frown returning.

Trinity nodded and cleared her throat. "Yes."

"Good, come tell me what you and Josiah found while I change," he suggested heading into his room. Trinity stood on shaky legs and followed him, sitting on the edge of his bed, watching him remove his watch and unbutton his cuffs.

He must still have been distracted because he didn't engage her in conversation as he moved through the motions of changing. He hung up his suit jacket, unbuttoned his shirt and put it in the laundry basket, took off his shoes and socks, hung up his belt, then took off his pants and hung them up with the jacket.

Trinity realized that she could watch him for hours, no matter what he was doing. She had never felt this way about anyone.

"You're quiet," Levi said as he reached for a pair of jeans.

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