Chapter one/ part one: The Beginning

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Chapter One: Beginning

Part One



Narrator: The Beginning, The End, Creation, Destruction, Life, and Death.

Narrator: I did not understand their meaning as a naive boy. As I travel down this path, and look where this path has led me. Do I have any regrets, yes; who wouldn't have regrets but i accept the consequences in my later life.

Narrator: To learn how my journey began and learning the meaning of these. I must talk about my younger days when I was introduced into this larger world.

Narrator: I'll start in the Beginning of the chaos. And let see what you think how this story Ends.

Part 1

[Unknown location: a coffin appears old, weathered by time, a moment of pause then the coffin rattles and an arm breaks through the top]

???: "Boooooy" (so faintly)

[the Arm reaches out with the echoing voice growing louder and more difficult to bear]

???: "COME HERE BOY!!!"

Hanta Kira: "AH!. Uh, (looks towards the window with heavy breathing) oh it's just a nightmare, just a nightmare, just nothing... ....Wait what time is it? Looks like it's midnight, (whispers: turns his head) Who's there (nothing in his dark room)

(looks at the his sword in display, and grabs the sword)

[8:00 a.m.]

[elderly gentleman wakes up. Gets dressed and begins to walk down the hallway but hears clashing of a sword]

[the elderly man walks into the training room to see what the commotion is]

Old man Kira: "Hanta what are you doing up so early training?"

Hanta Kira: "Grandfather I... I thought I should work on my sword technique to show more improvement in my skill."

Old man Kira: "Hanta, you can't fool these old eyes. I can see that something bothers you."

Hanta Kira: "It's nothing Grandfather, I just had a bad dream, nothing more."

Old man: "Hmm, I thought so. You must not dwell into these so deeply child as it can cause poor health mentally. Remember that, and hurry up and get cleaned up; we're going to the capital today."

Hanta: "Yes grandfather."

[Later that night]

[Hanta dreaming, again the coffin top flies open, in the darkness of the coffin eye can be seen the unknown person say something.]

???: (Echoing voice) "There is nowhere to run Kira, you can't run from Fear."

Hanta: "Aaah!"(heavy breathing) "What?...(heavy Breathing)...What does that mean?...but why do these dreams keep happening.... (so confused as the dreams continue every night)"

[Flashback- to the capital]

Hanta: "Grandfather why are we here anyways, i thought we were here to buy this month's essential materials."

Old man: "Well Hanta, I'm here to talk with an old friend. Oh, We're here, Hanta go to the market to get these."

[Hanta walks off to the market district in the Kasai Capital]

[Minutes later]

Old man: "It's been awhile hasn't friend."

Councillor: "Yes it has been my friend. Though, why are you here Kira? I know it's not because I'm here."

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