Chapter 10: The End

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Chapter 10

The End


Narrator: The Beginning and The End, Creation, Destruction, Life and Death

Narrator: It's funny how things are Fated to be. But are there chances to change our fate or are we just pawns in a game.

Part 1

[North Point Hill]

Fear: "Why are you clinging to this pitiful life, all of it is a weakness that chains you down. To be set free is let go all of mortal desire, hopes, and dreams. In this dark human world that hero is a myth and only willing to do what it takes will survive."

Hanta: "Your right demon...we fight...debate...argue, and believe give us purpose... but i don't desire to be a hero...but avenger seems more appealing"

Fear: "You are a strange one, but your resistance is futile in our master's greater plan no matter what. How much you defy us you will fail, boy.You have been so naive to believe you can avenge this cruel world from its judgement, it's no longer worth saving."

Hanta: "that may be true, but even in the darkness there is some glimmer of hope in this world, and that's still worth fighting for. Those glimmers will be this world's future. Being a Death does mean i will not be a hero, but a warrior in the dark that will for light against you demon."

Fear: "Quite a high input for a child, but you are destined to die and fail when our victory is complete"

Hanta: "We will both fight in the darkness and die but when it's our time to die will not be the same demon."

Fear: "Before the new dawn, we must see who will experience the new beginning."

Hanta: "Do you feel afraid on your last dawn? you won't get to see the future of a new era for humans."

Fear: "Both Reapers and Demons aren't so different boys, but I played my part in my grand master plans and completed my mission in killing all Kiras from the living plains."

(Hanta lifts up his cracked sword one last time and fears from another dark green crystal blade that killed Korban Kira. Silence falls upon the ground as the cold wind rolls into the sun rise. Just in a instant they clashed, but Hanta breaking thru Fear forcing the crystal blade out of his hands. Hanta quickly grabbing the blade and rushing it thru Fear chest)

Fear: "Aargh! Damn I lost to a mortal, hehehe i quess Greed wins this time."

(Fear Chest begins to blacken and crack into piece and spreading to the body)

Fear: "I've done my part now, I don't care anymore, here is some advice boy, don't trust the shadows as they have their own ambition."

(Hanta reacts confuse to the piece of advice, Fear begins to crumble into pieces and Hanta slowly blacks out from lack of aura energy, while sound of men and transport can be heard closing in to is location)

Part 2

(Death Academy central emergency medical center. Hanta wakes from the injury and hear the news on the vid)

Reporter 1: "As the Grand Council long debated topic on the attack of the Council Center was heavily looked in all aspect in detail and found Kira family guilty of murder, treason and conspiracy against the Kasai Nation."

Reporter 2: "if anyone has information of their whereabouts to report it for judgement."

(Hanta looks around but hardly can move as his body is completely covered with bandages)

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