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Cameron's POV

Day 1 with Avery went smoother than I expected.

Day 2 however, I knew was going to be challenging.

She was a little fussy during the night, so I was running on as little as 4 hours sleep, and my parents were meant to be arriving at 2.

Which was in... 12 minutes, shit.

I had went over several scenarios in my head within the time frame of receiving the phone call up until now, and settled with the three that I thought would have the best possible outcomes.

1. Lie and say I'm baby sitting for a friend.

That wouldn't work considering none of them had kids which my parents know about.

2. Lie and say there is no baby if the ask about her when they see her.

Which I have thought of no further plan to work that out ... or there was 3.

Tell them the truth that I woke up to a baby on my doorstep with a note claiming she was my child.

How that was going to go down with my mother I have no clue.

There was no way of knowing who the mother of this child was.

I had no ex girlfriends in the time frame of sleeping with, 9 months passing and having a baby with. So up to this point I had no clue about anything.

Although there was one possibility.. no it could never be.

Once I had gotten my head around the situation, slept on it and woke up to it being a reality, I had called the hospital to arrange a dna test to be done. I couldn't go on thinking that this baby was my child based from a note that said she was.

I was sitting on the sofa whilst Avery lay in a travel cot that the neighbours were no longer in need for as their grandchild had out grown it.

Thankfully there was no akward questions to be answered during the exchange and instead, handed the cot over with no further comment other than "have a good day".

My leg couldn't stop shaking as my palms became sweaty at my nervousness.

Ding dong.

My heart dropped to my stomach. I felt in that moment like I was about to shit myself.

On wobbly legs, I walked to the door and opened it, greeting my parents and younger sister Emily as they pushed in with their bags in hand.

"Oh my baby!! I missed you." My mother greeted me with a tight hug. "I missed you too mom." I smile before pulling back and greeting my old man with a fist pump and a hug.

"Who's the kid?"

Three words was all it took for my whole body to feel like it was about to explode.

And not in a good way.

"What kid?"

Yeah option 2 didn't quite work out the way id hoped.

"I'm babysitting for a friend?"

My statement came out as more of a question and with a few confused stares, I caved.

"This is going to sound crazy and you're probably not going to believe me when I say this but she was dumped on my doorstep last night. No sign of the mother, but the only thing that was left was this."

I pass my mother the note and watch as her facial expressions turn from confused to shock.

"She's yours?" My father took the note and raised an eyebrow.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mom asked.

"That she's mine?" I bit my lip nervously.

Jesus take the fucking wheel.

"And you're just going to take that for truth off of a note?" She looked at me as if I was the dumbest person in the world.

"I've actually booked a dna test. That's being set up on Monday." .

This was so fucking akward.

"Why the heck would you do that?" If looks could kill, im pretty sure I'd be dead right now.

Cautiously taking a step back from my mother, my next words flip something off within her as a pillow was sent to my head full force.

"Because there is a possibility that she's biologically mine."

It made sense. I vaguely remember sleeping with someone at a party last year, I was drunk so there could be a chance that I wasn't protected. Stupidly of me, I know. Sue me.

After a few more vulgar words, a few slaps on the head, tears, more vulgar words, more abuse and a few more tears, Avery had awoken, screaming from being disturbed.

My newly fatherly instinct kicks in and my feet are rushing to the baby laying in the cot that was merely 5 feet away from me and gathered her restless body into my arms, rocking her back and forth.

"So what are you gonna do? You're just getting by with bills with this place and managing a full time job with a baby on your own is hard. Who's gonna watch her when you're not here?!" My mother's reaction was exactly how I expected it.

"I figure it out. I'll get a second job. I'll hire a nanny. I'll do whatever it takes. If she is mine, then she's my responsibility. I'm not turning my back on my kid. Her mother has already done that." My heart ached for Avery.

How could anyone abandon such a sweet baby?

Knowing that she didn't have a mother, potentially without her father (until I figured if she was mine biologically) broke me.

It wasn't fair. She didn't ask for this. She didn't deserve this.

"Are you ready for this kind of responsibility? Having a kid is the hardest job in the world. And on your own?"

I stared down at Avery as her cries became inaudible, her breathing slowed to a steady pace and her eyes beginning to fall shut.

"No." I whispered, unable to stop staring at the little girl curled in my arms.

"But be assured that I'd do my best to make sure that's she's happy, loved.... wanted."

I trail off as my eyes stay focused on Averys features, smiling at my thoughts.

If she is mine... I made a pretty darn cute baby.

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