Part 2.

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 •nyla amor carter•8:00 am•at nyla house

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•nyla amor carter
•8:00 am
•at nyla house

I just woke up and i gotta go take a shower and still go look at this house. cause my lease is almost up . I hear my phone ding I look it's kd saying are "you still coming to the kick back" I said "ig boy" he said "itee" so I'm bout to go take a shower I grabbed my towel ,face stuff and my white tank top with some jean shorts .
30 minutes later
I got out the shower now it's time to go house hunting i don't know why im happy but I guess this shit got me exited asf lol so I locked the door and start hearing my phone ring , i answer "hey momma wassup" I said she said "princess daddy
ova there" she said my face dropped to happy to sad cause I dont want to deal with that nigga today I have things to do fuck . I told ha "tell him she could go if macei going with ha". "ok girl" my momma said .

•macei amorua carter•10:00 am•at her momma houseSo I'm just waking up and I see my la niece on her little bed watching tv my momma called me and I got up put on some nike shorts with a nike shirt

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•macei amorua carter
•10:00 am
•at her momma house
So I'm just waking up and I see my la niece on her little bed watching tv my momma called me and I got up put on some nike shorts with a nike shirt . I'm walking downstairs to see a person I thought I never see again my " ex brother in law" he said hey I was like "hi" like damn nigga he think we still cool . I walked in, the kitchen to see my momma going into the pantry I said "hey mom" she was like "hey baby" I said "wats planned today" she was like "Can you go with princess with her dad nyla wanted you to go with her" I said " yea sure" after that I got cereal and ate some then gon hit the shower and put princess clothes on for we can go the only reason why im not cool with princess daddy is because after he got my sister pregnant he didnt claim ha and stuff like dat i wasnt messing with that cause thats lame and childish . but I'm not gon keep going but we kind of cool & whatever he don't know that i know what he did to nyla . i got in the bathroom brushing my teeth singing "I'll kill you" like that's my song fr but after that I got a pink shirt that say beautiful and white jeans and my black uggs .
20 minutes later
I got out the shower and that boy felt good asf fr I gotta go put princess clothes on so I grabbed her a diaper and some wipes then a white tee and some black ripped jeans and some white and black air force's. So I took my phone,charger and air pods and put them in my purse and I grabbed my card just in case I want sum .I picked up princess and got my purse and headed downstairs. He said "y'all ready" I was like yeah . "Bye ma" I said as I locked the door I see this nice ass car like damm boy you got out of jail and got nice car already, I put princess inna car and the music was on I was singing low . I spoke  "where we going" he was like to the mall I said "ok" I was on snap doing videos with princess then she wanted my phone .
20 minutes later....
We here and they have 2 groups of boys so he was like i could look around and then come back to the same spot so he could get princess some clothes and shoes . So he went with a group of boys and then I'm walking going to footlocker I hear "say girl" I turned around and he was light skin ,smiling , walking to me meanwhile princess was still with my phone on my side . He was "wassam" I said "hey" he was like "how old you is ?" I said "13"... he was like "oh I'm 14" can I get yo numba "I was like sure" he gave me his phone I put in "macei k" . I gave him my phone he put in "mykel" . I was like "bye" he said bye ma" I started blushing hard af I went in and I wanted to get me some matching clothes with princess so I got us both some gnikes and some cute nike slides , I payed fa that it was $270.00 I was like damn .  but then I went in children place so I got us a jean jacket and a white tee and some sweat pants and then i got us matching pajamas. then I payed for that it was like "50" sum dollars so then I went in Claire's so I wanted to buy some earrings and a necklace so me and princess got a aunt and niece necklace I got the key and she got the heart I payed for that .Then I wanted some auntie annies so I see the boy again "he was like wassaup" I said "wassam" he was like whatchu getting imma pay for it I said no i got it . He said "nah imma treat you" I was like "ok" . just gimme a cinnamon pretzel with the white sauce and a blue slushy he got it I said "thank you" then he wanted a hug I put my stuff down and gave him a hug . So after that we was talking and we was walking toward king princess daddy and nem so princess daddy was like "who you is la bro " I said somebody you dont know" he said shut the fuck up laughing" I started laughing.

•Mykel•12:25•at the mallSo I was walking the this girl macei I met so then some dude said "who la bro is " then macei was like "somebody you don't know" then thats when he was like can I talk to you fa a la minute I said yea I guess so we moved fr...

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•at the mall
So I was walking the this girl macei I met so then some dude said "who la bro is " then macei was like "somebody you don't know" then thats when he was like can I talk to you fa a la minute I said yea I guess so we moved from macei and his la group or whateva so he was "like you like ha" I said "yea nigga she fine asf" he was like "break ha heart i'll fuck you up she  my la sister now she lucky I'm letting ha talk to you cause you seem like cool people and whateva so look ion want no bad terms I was telling you what it us" I was "like ite" then we dapped off and I went back by macei I hugged ha and said bye .

•Mykel•12:25•at the mallSo I was walking the this girl macei I met so then some dude said "who la bro is " then macei was like "somebody you don't know" then thats when he was like can I talk to you fa a la minute I said yea I guess so we moved fr...

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•macei amorua carter
•at the mall
So mykel hugged me bye and stuff,then that's when king and us was about to leave until I notice princess was gone then I looked and seen she was with kind I was bout to say lawwd omg so then we got in the car and went to Chick-fil-A and then went home I said my byes and grabbed princess and went inna house . So I put ha in her room cause she be ova here most of the time so after wards I put my phone onna charger and then went to get my chickfila and put on disney + so then I hear my phone ding.  

mykel .
wassup ma .
maci k .
hey ..
mykel .
maci k .
nun watching a movie , you ?
mykel .
nun onna game . facetime?
maci k .
yeah .
mykel .
ight .
So I was waiting for Mykel then a few minutes later he call I grabbed my AirPods put them in and accept the call I seen his face i started smiling so you could see my braces .We talked fa a little while then nyla called me so I sayed "hol up my sister calling me imma call you rt back" he said "iteee" I hung up and answered so then she was like "come with me so I could go get some groceries and some house stuff" I was like "ok but I better have a room in yo house to" she started laughing and said "mae you know you got one" so then she was like  "I heard you got a la boyfriend and I'm outside" I sayed "alr hol up imma tell you wat happened I'm coming outside tho I hung up" mom im going with nyla  she said "ok" .

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