Part 3 .

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•macei amora carter•4:45• nyla car

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•macei amora carter
• nyla car

So i got in nyla car we was heading to ikea, then  she was like king told ha what happened at the mall with me and mykel, I was shocked and shaking my head . & was like yea that happened and we was talking and stuff and he got my number and stuff .
5 minutes later
We made it to ikeaand i went straight to the home aisle,i got blanks,pillows, a lamp some lights all that and got some candy and chips .we payed fa that and headed to walmart so my phone started ringing it . My sister looked at my phone and started laughing and i answered he sayed hey i was like hey lol ,he sayed wyd i was like nun bout to go in walmart right quick , he said oh i was like imma call you when i get home tho he was like itee ma . i was blushing hard af my sister was still laughing and shaking ha head . So we went in there got some groceries and snacks and more stuff for our room and stuff nyla sayed i had my own room and bathroom and she said she got me a mini fridge.
we pulled up to this nice house i was like dam son

we pulled up to this nice house i was like dam son

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I walked in and looked around it was a nice house. Then I went upstairs I had already picked my bed out,so all I had to do was decorate it .
After I ran upstairs to fix my room and stuff I went into the other rooms it was nice and cute I was fwi just to say she just got the house, I need my clothes but I had some extra clothes in nyla trunk,I went in the garage got my clothes and my candy placed it on my dresser.I was about to go hop inna shower so I grabbed my ethika shorts and shirt with my lotion,perfume .
30 minutes later
I got out the shower I brushed my teeth washed my face allat . I got my phone charger and my snacks and I turned on the tv and put on proud family and ft Mykel  .

 I got my phone charger and my snacks and I turned on the tv and put on proud family and ft Mykel 

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•Nyla Amor Carter.
• At The House .
I had finish cleaning and stuff and put all the groceries in the closet and the fridge. I heard my phone ring and I looked and it say "kentrell💚" he haven't talked to me all day so i answered . He said "hello" I was like yea hello . he said lemme see how u look . he looked at me with a smile me and said "damn  ma you gon have my kids" I started laughing and then kd came he said "hey bestie" I said "hey best" Kentrell said "how y'all know each other and why u didn't tell me about ha" I said "we knew each other since middle school" . he was like "oh" I told kd he gotta come to my new house party and princess gon be there" he said alr tell ha I said "hey pooh" I started laughing and said yu gay she not here rn bt the party tomorrow night too" he said "ite drop the lo",I was like "ok" then kentrell was like wyd I said "nun bout to take a shower" he said "ok"call me later I said "alr" . Macei came downstairs talking otp and I took it and saw a boy then i saw it was ha la cousin i said heyy la ugly he said "wassam la". macei looked and said "how yall know each other" i told ha that he was zadyiah la cous . she said ikyl i gave her ha phone back she started shaking ha head I stuck out my tongue and went upstairs to go take a shower .

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