"Why are you outside a toilet?"

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Infidelity was always something that...intrigued Karima. The almost casual ability for one to give themselves up to someone else not just sexually but emotionally and mentally as well.

Karima Mendoza-Sonnett knew a lot of cheaters...but she wasn't one.

Looking to the clock, Karima figured out it would be about midday in the U.S. . So she decided to take a risky shot. Scrolling to Rose Lavelle's contact, Karima hit on the FaceTime button. It wasn't long until a face appeared, albeit a very worried looking one. "Karima!" Her fellow midfielder hissed at her. "The fuck did you do?"
"Rose who are you talking to?" Both players could make out Mal's concerned voice. Karima saw Rose's eyes widen before the pause motion flashed up on her screen.
Before she could think about ending the call, Karima saw Rose's face flash up on the screen. Although the background had changed.
Wait, were they in a toilet?
If the midfielder wasn't anxious then, she definitely was now. "Look," she started speaking "we have to be quiet-"

"Rosemary Kathleen Lavelle are you talking to Karima?"
"Wait Mal...why are you outside the toilet?" Karima wondered. She never got a response as she could hear the winger threatening voice. "I'm going to tell Lindsey and she's gonna tell Emily that-"
"Wait what are you going to tell me?"
OF COURSE Lindsey happened to be walking past. "Mal why are you outside a toilet?" Pugh seemed to be getting quite pissed off now. "Look can you tell Emily that Rose is speaking to Karima?" "Ok but Mal why are you-"
With that the call ended for Karima.

However just moments later, her phone was ringing. This time it was from her wife. Sighing, she hit accept and saw a pretty blotchy face.
"Look," Emily was stern "you don't have long until I end this." Karima didn't know what she exactly meant and she didn't think she really wanted to either. "Who told you?"
Emily appeared quite annoyed. "Why does it matter?" Karima sighed. "It kinda does. You see some people are more reliable than others." Emily seemed to raise her eyebrows as if to mock Karima's claim. "Your new Arsenal teammate I'm sure. The rookie that's sharing a room with me."
I fucking knew it, Karima bitterly thought.
"What? What did you know?" Karima was snapped back into reality. It appears she didn't just think that. "Ennen Roscoe is who you're sharing a room with?" She wanted to clarify. Emily frowned. "Yes. Why?" Karima tried not to roll her eyes. "Is she still in your room? I'd like to have a discussion with her."

Emily was immediately suspicious. "Why? Is this to get away from me?" I wish. Of course Karima never said that as she defiantly shook her head. "No that's why I asked if she was in your room."
There was a sigh and the screen was paused although Karima could hear talking. "You dont have to do this." She could make out Lindsey saying. Another sigh was made. "I need to get down to the bottom of this." Emily firmly decided.
Then the screen was unpaused. Emily appeared so...tired? "Ennen's not in the room but I sent Lindsey to go fetch her for you." It didn't seem as if Ennen was far from the room as moments later, Lindsey appeared with Karima's enemy behind her, probably completely unaware about the shit she caused.
My bad. That's not possible. Ennen Roscoe always knew of the mess she created. That's why she started them.

The phone was passed to her and Karima and Ennen were know face to face. Well. Virtually. "So Ennen," Karima made her voice sickly sweet, the tone Ennen always adapted when she was going for the kill, "who did I cheat on Emily with?" She was looking forward to this.
Ennen was blunt. "Camy." WHAT? Karima nearly dropped her phone. "H-How?" She spluttered. It appeared that the younger player was the one smirking now. "Well why's he in my room?" There was only one way to find out.
Marching over there in bare feet, Karima muttered "I didn't even know he was in the house."
Opening the door of Ennen's room ever so slightly open, Karima was sick to her stomach when she saw a familiar lean figure hunched over on the bed, simply in boxers.
If this was Karima Mendoza, she would've hung up the phone, pack all her shit and find the quickest way possible out this earth.
This wasn't Karima Mendoza though. Instead, Karima Mendoza-Sonnett took no crap from those she hated. So she put on her sickly sweet voice again and made sure her voice was as loud as possible.
"Camy Ennen? Camy? The guy who took my virginity as a bet? The guy who wanted me to stay with him because I was 'obedient'? The guy who cheated on me with multiple different people including you? The guy who was with Kerry and who you admitted had sex with him when she went on a business trip? Him Ennen? I'd do a lot of things before I let him stick his dick up me again."
With that the call ended. But Karima wasn't done. Storming over to Ennen's room in a way that reminded her of her mum, Karima swing open the door and demanded.
"Luke Edward Campbell, you have ten seconds before I call the police to tell me what the fuck you're doing here."

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