What happened?

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For a long time, Karima considered herself to be a sadist.

Maybe it was just herself becoming used to her mum's constant abuse and torment of her.
But for a while , Karima definitely saw the karma and pleasure in seeing those she hated suffer pain.

Well wasn't it natural?
Does it not make you happy to see someone who has wronged you in so many ways experience hurt?

Maybe Karima didn't hate Ennen. But she was definitely scared and uncomfortable around her.

Not now though. The horrific sight of the blonde only further solidified and confirmed the reversal in roles.

"W-What's going on? Ennen, who did this to you?"
Karima didn't mean to yell but she was so scared.
No matter the current status of their relationship, seeing Ennen in a tragic state always scarred Karima.

Now Emily was here, a serious frown on her face already highlighting the fact that she knew something wasn't right.
"Ennen!" She gasped. "Come inside! What happened?"

Ok...so maybe neither of them reacted professionally yet it wasn't often that anyone saw a beaten up figure at their doorstep.

Ennen gasped for air. Her eyes which once garnered so much hope, held little more than a shallow attempt to shadow the scared little girl that had never really grown up.

"I...can't." The breaths were sharp, painful bursts and no more was said until after Karima and Emily carried her to the sofa and brought her a glass of water.

When Emily went back into the kitchen to get any medical kit, Karima turned to the person she used to trust the most. "You have to tell me what happened, please Ennen."

Nothing could be promised, Karima knew that.
She didn't expect Ennen to turn to her with tears in her eyes and whispering back "I put all this pain on you. We all took advantage of you Karima and now...I guess we're all running back to our scapegoat."

Karima didn't even have time to react to that statement as Emily came in, armed with a first aid kit and another bottle of water.
"Deep breaths." The ex-defender said. "That's the important thing right now."

Karima didn't expect the truth to come out, ever really. Not from Ennen's mouth. It was hard to prise many things from her full stop.
Yet after being mopped up by Emily and finishing the bottle of water given to her, she sat up and started taking deep breaths.

This got the couple's attention. "Is everything OK?" Emily bolted up, ready fo spring into action.
Ennen nodded, although there was no eye contact to be seen.
"I'll tell you," Ennen tried to take a deep breath although it went the wrong way, "the truth."

Emily frowned. "It's not urgent Ennen. Your health right now is what we care about."

Roscoe shook her head.
"I-I owe it to you." Was what she said although it was clear that was directed to Karima who was staring at the floor herself.

Ennen was now looking at her former ally.
"It wasn't Camy...himself. It was some psycho ex of his."
Karima frowned. "It wasn't Kerry-"
Ennen shook her head. "No... I don't know this bitch."
Emily grabbed a notepad that was on the table.
"What did she look like?"
Looking to the ceiling, Ennen described her "Tall, like tall as fuck, ginger...but not like natural, you can tell. Bright blue eyes and she's a skinny freak."
Karima winced. "Is there anything...signature you could say about her?"

Ennen thought about it. "She had a mole...that was shaped like a heart."
Emily finished jotting down. "Is that it?" She looked back up.
She was met with a frown. "She had this...REALLY posh accent. Like I thought she was from like Cambridge or Oxford."
Karima snorted at the last statement before adding in another question. This was turning into an interrogation.

"Did she say much to you?"
Ennen scrunched her nose. "A bit about how... I 'stole' Camy from her and how everyone knows how much of a slut I am."
Karima was frowning once again. "But I thought he was with Kerry when...you know, he cheated."

Ennen shrugged. "I don't know whether Luke Campbell really practises monogamy or not."

They checked Ennen's injuries.

The most notable once was the bruise around her eye which was right on the spectrum between purple and black.
Her lip was bust, blood splattered around the mouth.
Several scratches could be seen on her arms, future scars forming.
Ennen's ankle had twisted quite badly, causing her to limp.
And finally, Ennen's cheek seemed to have been slashed, presumably by a razor from Karima's previous experience.

After getting all the treatment she could (Ennen begged Emily and Karima to go to the hospital tomorrow), Ennen was tucked up in bed, asleep at quarter past nine.

Now it was just the duo. Karima was on her phone, waiting for Emily to arrive. When she did, Karima was surprised to see her wife in such a jovial mood.

"We've not had much time to ourselves." Emily whispered to Karima, causing the latter's cheeks to redden.
"Uh...Emily, sorry I'm just so worried, like what's gonna happen to Ennen."
Emily nodded. "I know, you're just very worried about her which is natural. I promise you Karima, I'm not mad or anything."
Karima nodded but she felt that Emily's stance on things wasn't going to stay like this for very long. Ennen was always capable of stirring up trouble.

The next morning, Karima had forgotten what happened until she was woken up by Emily already dressed and searching for her car keys.
"I'm taking Ennen to the hospital." She reminded her for which Karima was grateful.

They got back around roughly an hour later.
"We made a statement to the police as well." Emily told her as she dropped her bag down on a chair and took her jacket off.
She looked to the clock. "I'm going to go for a jog and just leave you with her if that's OK."

Fun times, Karima thought as she watched Emily leave the house and almost instantly, Ennen started coming down the stairs.

They both sat at the kitchen table, in silence momentarily, until Ennen spoke up. "I'll give you the full story."
Karima frowned. "Did you not give that to the Police?"
Ennen nodded. "You deserve to know as well."

Karima shrugged. "Your choice."
Ennen gratefully smiled before starting

"It turns out that Camy and this Fiona Watkins go way back. Like to our time. They were chatting in middle school and for three years after that, the duration of the exchange program that she was on.

The last time they were together, was not long after you and Camy became a thing.
So...you know 'that girl'? The chick who was on the tape shagging Camy that went round the school?"

Karima nodded. That was humiliation.

Ennen continued.

"It was her. So of course, she heard that it had made the rounds and she was proud. Being a home wrecker was clearly something she enjoyed doing.
Now, I know that it's ironic coming from me, but it seems Fiona...might be something else. They continued having visits, all while they were with other people.
Then about two months ago, when Kerry found out about that Luke wasn't really faithful to her, so did this Fiona.
Basically they actually had a 'relationship' and Luke Campbell was two timing them.
Not surprising huh?

However for some reason, Fiona found out where I lived and just...attacked me.
She was banging on the door and I just opened it...how was I supposed to know that this shitstick was gonna jump me?
I didn't have time to react and now...here we are."

Karima nodded and in perfect timing, the doorbell rang  and Emily was home.

She noticed something was off with her former teammate yet Karima ignored it. It was better to.

It seemed like Ennen had noticed it as well.
Karima walked into the bathroom, where Roscoe was brushing her teeth.
After spitting out her toothpaste, Ennen turned to her.
"Look," she sighed, "I know you're uncomfortable with this. I understand. I don't mean to come between you and Emily."
Karima shook her head. "It's not your fault Ennen. Don't be sorry."

Then Ennen Roscoe gave an all too familiar smirk. Then she started inching her lips towards Karima's and an all too familiar flashback was coming back...

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