If you have nothing nice to say...

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"Look Carli, I just want to know, why did you emit me from the team?"
17-year old Karima wouldn't have dared to say this but maybe things were different now.
She could hear her new manager sigh on the phone. "You know in the UK, we don't have the scouts...we can't keep a good track of your progress."
It was a decent excuse Karima must admit. "Why do you need to keep track though? Can you not just see game highlights or something, you've played with me have you not?"
It seemed Carli didn't have an answer to that and the pause that followed showed.
"Karima..." she seemed to be struggling to get the words out which was rare. "I need you to take a break, you and Emily need issues to be resolved and that comes before your place with the team."
Karima was furious. "Well why has Emily been selected then?"
The reply seemed to be clear. "She didn't move Karima, it's not her fault."
This set Karima off. "My fault? My fault for what? Having aspirations? Ambition? Wanting to play for the club I've always loved? I lose my place because of that? Well Carli, if that's the issue , why did no one tell me this when I got called up for the first time?"
Carli was quiet. "Why didn't you tell Em this?"
"Tell her what?" "About why you moved?"
This question surprised Karima. "What did she think like?" Although she couldn't see her, Karima imagined Carli wincing. "She thought you left...because of her. I know, you just got married but I think she's just worried she's overprotective of you Karima, she cares so much about you."
Karima nodded. Emily really was too good for her. "I know Carli...sorry for my outburst." She heard another sigh. "It's not your fault Karima. Just promise me you'll resolve this." "I will Carli, good luck on your first matches and see you soon!"
"Thank you Karima! See you!"
Hanging up, Karima sighed. This has been put off for far too long , she realised.
Dialling her wife's number, Karima got more nervous with each ring.

"Hello?" Karima breathed a sigh of relief before starting the conversation.
K: Uh Em...where do I start?
E: First don't call me Em. You know how upset I still am.
K: Sorry
E: Well...why did you tell me the day you left?
K: I thought you'd try to get me to change my mind and I knew I might get persuaded, so I did it the day I went because of that
E: You know I wouldn't do that
K: How?
E:(sigh) Second of all, I want you to know that I didn't ask for Carli to drop you. I know how much that upsets you.
K: Well why did she drop me?
E: She needed us to talk
K: What else do you want to know?
E: Why did you leave?
K: Seriously?
E: What? Am I not allowed to know?
K: Em-Emily, Arsenal is my club I've always wanted to play for, they've got so many legends
E: What about us?
K: What do you mean?
E: How are we going to have a relationship?
K: Long distance?
E: It's not practical long term
K: How would you know that?
E: Are you seriously going to be staying there for long? Like how long?
K: I don't know Emily OK? I just got here for fucks sake
E: Look I can't be bothered to talk like this now, I've got to go on duty soon so I'll catch you later yeah?

You wish, Karima thought but she never said that as the line hung up.
Just when she couldn't think it'd get worse...
Sighing she went "Yes?"
Mona wandered into Karima's bedroom. "Who were you talking to?"
Karima hesitated but she was saved by another thing that  had been noticed. Looking to the gold band on the player's finger, Mona asked "Are you married?" This made Karima stop in her tracks. "Uh..." she decided to tell the truth "yeah I am."
Giving just a nod Mona mumbled. "Thought so. Is it Emily Sonnett?"
Before anything else could be said, Ennen entered the room, closely followed by Kerry.
" Karimas married to Emily Sonnett!" Mona bursted and despite Karima's dirty look, showed no remorse.
Kerry gave a small smile but Ennen appeared emotionless. Until her signature smirk found its way onto her face again. "Course Karima." She sneered. "Always needed to be consoled with commitment don't you." Her face was turned away and Karima swore she heard a mutter of "Faggot."
Karima wasn't EVER going to let that slip. "Sorry?" She made her voice purposely loud, it's about time people stopped walking over her.
Ennen turned around. "What?" She snapped but her cheeks were flushing pink.
Karima walked over to her fiend. "For someone who's so...wise with their words Ennen Roscoe I thought you would've heard the phrase 'If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything' haven't you?"
Trying to dodge the point, Ennen shrugged. "I wasn't wrong was I?"
She knew not to answer that. Flopping back down onto her bed, Karima asked "Can you all...please leave? Like today's been a really bad day so I'd appreciate if you all please leave me alone."
With that people began to leave the room. As Ennen was about to go Karima smirked and whispered "Don't be so worried Roscoe. I'm not gonna reveal your secret."

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