One | That Woman Over There.

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Have you ever felt so disgusted by yourself that you thought you wouldn't be able to live another day in your own skin? Have you ever cried yourself to sleep because no matter how hard you try, your biggest secret just won't disappear?

That's how my life used to be. That's the darkness I used to live in.

But it all changed the day I met Abby.


November - 1964

My eyes opened, and I was greeted by the sight of my flaky bedroom ceiling. Not a very pretty sight if you ask me.

My alarm clock rung through my ear, up into my brain, and back out the other ear, making me squirm in annoyance. With one accidental sweep of my hand, I managed to knock the clock clean off my bedside table, making a little crash sound.

Great. That meant I had to by another clock, the fourth one of the year.

"Good morning (Y/N), how are you?" My boss asked. Elton was was slightly over the middle age mark, thinning grey hair on his head was scarce. His piercing blue eyes always creeped me out, and I'd often catch him staring at me and the other female worker's bodies.

"I'm-" I began to answer but he cut me off, clearing not wanting to know, and using the question as a typical bored greeting.

"I asked you to wear a shorter skirt (Y/N)." Elton sighed, and his eyes scanned my body. I felt sick as I felt his beady eyes trace my body.

"Sorry." I mumbled. He'd been nagging at me to wear a shorter skirt, because apparently being a female waitress with more revealing clothes would do better for the business. But I couldn't bring myself to become something to be stared at by drunken men late at night.

"Anyway, I need you to work late today, Daniela's sick and we need someone to cover." Elton didn't bother asking me if I was free, but I was always free, so I couldn't complain, I guess it gave me something to do.

Ten hours later it had grown dark outside the bar, and I was gearing myself up to the crowd of people who normally came in at around eight o'clock. Yes, ten hours later. I'd started at nine and here I still was, four more hours to go. I hadn't even had a lunch break. Not that I wasn't allowed to, but because I didn't generally have an appetite. I normally finished around five, but there were quite often nights that I'd stay all the way to closing time at midnight, either because Elton told me to, or I'd book double shifts, even on weekends because I needed the money.

The ping of the bar door sounded, and I took a deep breath, but was surprised when I just saw a woman, by herself. Females didn't often come here alone, even when they came with their husband, it was a rarity. It was mostly just men.

"What can I get you?" I asked as the woman approached the bar. It was only then that I fully registered her.

Silky brown hair, the deepest and darkest set of eyes, smooth pale skin and the pinkest of lips held a small smile. Wow.

Stop it (Y/N), you can't do this, not now, please.

"A whiskey." Her voice was almost at intriguing as her face.

"Of course." I smiled, and turned away to prepare her drink. Once I'd served it up, she nodded in appreciation, leaving money on the counter. I couldn't help but watch her sit down in the corner of the bar, alone, her side profile facing me. Her face was full of so much mystery and complex emotions that it was impossible not to be pulled in a spell.

That Woman Over There || Abby Gerhard X Reader.Where stories live. Discover now