chapter 5

565 64 16

Third pov

The crowd cheered.

Arthit rolled his eyes inwardly and said 'yes' with a fake smile.

Kong very happily slid the ring and gave the other one to Arthit to put it on him.

When the guests were having food, a man on an expensive suit followed by bodyguards entered the house. He grabbed everyone's attention. By looking at his figure, Kong's mother frowned.

He patted Kong's back and got the mic from his assistant. "how you doing ladies and gentlemen, too bad i wasn't invited for my only son's engagement. Nevermind, kong, my son. Take this" he thrusted few paper stack arranged in a file.

"51% of all my company shares were transferred to your name" kong took the file and said "you didn't have to" plainly.

No one noticed Arthit. who was giving a death glare to Kong's father, breathing heavily. Arthit was fuming in anger.

"Mr.Ratoor, we didn't know you'll bless us with your presence" a man spoke sipping his whisky. Ratoor nodded "how will i not come, when its my son's engagement. Excuse me"

He went inside the empty restroom to refresh himself before meeting his son in law.

While he washed his face, he saw a black figure standing behind him in the mirror. He turned his neck and the place was empty to be shocked. He saw the mirror again and there stood Arthit.

Ratoor's jaw dropped "you?" Arthit glared at him with blood shot eyes "yes. Me. Didn't i tell you I'll be back?"

"How" it came out from ratoor's mouth more like whispering.

Arthit smirked, "i have taken your son in law's body, your son will pay for your sins" ratoor shook his head and clasped his hands together "no, no please. He doesn't know anything. Leave him alone"

Arthit laughed loudly "nostalgic, isn't it" arthit had his tears running down again. "I begged you, the same way before a year. Did u spare me?" Arthik shook his head "No" he yelled.

Ratoor was shivering in fear. Two hands from the mirror behind him choked his neck. He was on the verge of dying. That's when Arthit blew on ratoor's face and Ratoor's body was completely burnt down to ashes.

Arthit flushed the ashes in the toilet and came out of the restroom straightening his coat.

Kong simply saw Arthit getting out of the house and decided to follow him without enquiring. "Where is he going without me ? He knows no one here in London"

Arthit got a cab and was so happily bouncing his knees, releasing tears of happiness. "I Can't wait, He'll be so happy. He has suffered more"

Kongpob followed the cab quietly in his friend's car to mask his identity.

The cab stopped in an average apartment. Arthit paid for the cab and didn't wait for the elevator, rushed to the stairs.

Kong was following him without making any noises. "Oon, who are you so excited to meet"

Arthit's heart got broken to pieces when he saw the old flat so lifelessly. His hands shivered when he knocked the door. But no one responded.

The man next door came out and Arthit covered his face with a hoodie. "Yes sir"

"Where's the flat owner?" Arthit asked in monotone.

"Oh, him. No one knows about him. He comes and goes whenever he wants" the neighbour shrugged his shoulder.

"Okay" Arthit waited till the man gets inside his house and opened the door like he owns the house.

Kong's eyes widened when he saw his boyfriend casually going inside someone else's house after asking for some stranger.

Kong sat there on the stairs with hands rubbing his face. Someone interrupted his train of thoughts.

"Sir, you okay. Are you new?" It was a guy bending to his eye level, resembling like him. But with a over grown beard and under eye bags showing life has been so hard on him. "Y-yes, whose flat does that belong to?" Kong asked pointing to the door Arthit went into.

"Mine, is there a problem" the guy straightened his back. "Sir, can we please talk outside. Alone." kong pleaded, tears streamed in his eyes. "Sure, come on"

Kong followed the mysterious guy to the nearby cafe "sir, do you know Arthit?" Kong jumped to the point.

"No, i donno anyone with that name" the guy replied after a series of coughs ended up spitting blood from his mouth in the tissue.

Kong freaked out "oh my god, you alright? We need to see a doctor please follow me"

He waived his hand infront of Kong's face "I'm okay, i-um lost my fiance a year back. I just umm smoked a lot. Now paying for it with a respiratory disease"

Kong blocked his face with his hands. "Sorry sir, i will go. Nice meeting you"

"Singto, my name is singto" the man smiled sadly.

"Kongpob" they shook hands and kongpob got up from the seat to leave the man in misery alone.

Hey peeps🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️ second update.

I'm not rushing, am i??


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