~A tiny dove hopped through the undergrowth. It pecked at the ground nervously, warily watching the bushes. Nearby a strange creature watched the dove, tracking it. The dove suddenly burst into the air, flapping like crazy. The creature leaped after it, desperately trying to catch it. The dove fluttered just out of reach, forcing the creature to find other prey.~
I woke up suddenly. For a split second, I wasn't sure where I was. Then I remembered. I was in the town of Lamenbark. I was staying in an inn. It was a small dirty town, the kind that is filled with criminals and danger. I had been hiding there for two weeks. I am a vallain. A fox-like creature that stands on its back legs. It has opposable thumbs and occasionally other features such as scorpion tails, or wings. Normally being a vallain would not draw much attention, but I am a specific kind. One that most gilems are hunting for. Gilems are terrible monsters. On the outside they look like ordinary rabbits, but they have three long tentacle tongues, and venomous teeth and claws. They are small but very dangerous. They are killing machines that are often hired as bounty hunters. I have never seen any up close, but I saw one from a distance. It had wrapped it’s tongues around a bear and swallowed it whole. I snapped back to attention as I heard voices from down the stairs. “This isn't the amount we agreed upon.” That was the owner of the hotel. “You have given us information, but you haven't finished the rest of your end of the deal. My boss will give it to you in full when you catch her.” I froze. Was the second voice talking about me? I heard a clinking of coins, as if the owner was counting his payment. I waited for a few more seconds, hoping to hear more information, but I didn't hear anything else. I weighed my options. I could remain at this inn, the only one in town, or I could leave, walk through miles of dangerous wilderness just to find another place to stay. I decided to stay, but be prepared to leave at any moment. Which would not be hard, I didn't have very many personal items. I headed down the stairs for breakfast. Apparently the owner and whoever he had been talking to had left. I walked out of the inn and onto the dusty dirt road. There wasn't much traffic, just a wagon or two parked along the side of the road. A few Humans were moving around the town. I saw one another vallain and a few mobliks. Mobliks are weird looking humanoids that typically live underground. They have long claws for digging and most are blind because of living in the dark for most of their lives. I was rather surprised to see them above ground, but quickly dismissed them as architects who were trying to dig a tunnel underneath the town. “Berry!” I glanced to where I had heard the voice. It was the owner of the inn, smiling. Berry, was not my name. My name is Vyix. I had lied. Telling a stranger my name just seemed like a bad idea, especially because of the bounty on me. “Yes?” I responded, walking over. “I just figured that courtesy of you staying for so long, perhaps you would join me and my wife for dinner tonight?” I was immediately suspicious, but what could I say? He knew that I had no business in the black market and because it was a small town, he would know if I lied about having other work. He also has control over where I sleep and I didn’t fancy sleeping in a woods full of monsters. “Yes-I suppose.” I responded finally. Two weeks ago I had crawled into Lamenbark, barely alive. Some humans had caught me, I managed to escape, but I knew nothing about medicine and my wounds were infected. Some Kimaaras who have since moved on healed me and ever since I have been hiding here. I had hoped the Kallar’ Dountego wouldn't have found me yet. The name Kallar’ Dountego means Ruler of All. Kallar is a wocket. Wockets are large ape-like creatures that have large fangs and strong crushing hands. I had never thought of them as Hostile creatures, but apparently Kallar’ Dountego is. Kallar had killed the previous leader of Nectia, Niy, to gain control. Kallar had also waged war on our neighboring country, Acheoa. He had ordered the gilems to hunt down my specific kind of vallains. Apparently he was keeping them somewhere, controlling them and using their abilities for his war. If my pack was still alive, that's where they would be. He had attacked my family’s camp and either killed all of them or captured them.
The rest of the day was uneventful. When it came time for dinner, I was sitting in my room, trying to figure out how to stay alive. I walked down the stairs and into the dinning room. The two humans sat across from me, one watching me warily, the other with a warm and welcoming smile on her face. I sat down nervously. “Hello Berry, this is my wife, Sar.” Revel, the owner said. “Hi Sar.” I said politely. I glanced around the room, looking for ways to escape if they attacked. Revel grabbed a plate from the kitchen and plopped some food onto it. He passed it to Sar then got some for himself. “I’m sorry, but I do not eat human food.” I said, my heart leaped, maybe I wouldn't have to eat dinner here! To my great disappointment he responded, saying “That’s okay, we’ve prepared a special meal for you.” He brought out some roasted squirrel. I uneasily took the squirrel and set it down in front of me. “So, what business do you have in Lamenbark?” Sar asked. “Just staying here for a bit. I’ll leave as soon as I am fully recovered. I was attacked by some vicious beasts out in the woods.” Sar nodded, satisfied with my lie. I was completely recovered, I just was staying there so Kallar wouldn't find me. He typically kept his troops away from the more dangerous cities such as this one. Not that he cared about them. I saw Revel watching me, so I ate a little bit of the squirrel. I felt a bit more comfortable with my surroundings so I ate some more. It felt like I hadn't eaten anything in ages and now finally I was eating, and it was the tastiest thing in existence! Soon I had finished the squirrel, I didn't even notice how Revel and Sar were watching me intently, as if waiting for something to happen. I felt warm and safe. I yawned a bit, it was close to time for me to sleep. With a jolt, I realized they had drugged me! But before I could do anything, I collapsed onto the table. I wasn't asleep yet, but I was paralyzed. The last thing I heard was, “Goodnight Vyix, sleep tight.” And then everything went dark.
(Soon I shall write more but from Lark's prospective! I apologize for any spelling errors or grammatical errors)

FantasyWelcome to a world of mysterious creatures! Vyix is a Vallain, a strange fox creature that walks on two legs and has opposable thumbs. She is on the run from Kallar' Dountego, a murderous dictator who is hunting her kind. Lark is a small grey Taki...