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age fourteen


Life at the academy had finally begun to feel normal again. At first it had felt different, out of place. There were too many eyes on Mara at once, too many thoughts revolving around her.

She had known that her absence would cause suspicion, but now the others were sizing her up. Mara had missed training, enough to make others think her weak. Even though she had been punished harshly, she still did everything without a mistake, despite the pain. That still wasn't enough.

Mara shouldn't have let it bother her, that would've been the best thing. But she was still getting herself in check, and the disrespect she was feeling wasn't helping. They didn't believe Miss Sokolov that she was on a mission, and that needed to be fixed.

At this point, the killing of another student wasn't allowed. They were all too valuable now, potential agents after graduation. Mara didn't care, considering she was worth ten of them. It was egotistical to think like that, but she could pinpoint exactly where she had gotten that trait from.

At the end of each week there would be a spar that each student participated in, usually being paired up with one other to test their abilities against each other. Mara planned to show her dominance then. By now she was almost back to normal, no more feelings, everything sucked in by the void. Still, the lingering feeling of superiority was enough to make Mara itch a scratch that should've been left alone.

Throughout the week she analyzed her classmates, sizing them up. Of course she had already pulled apart every weakness they held a long time ago, but she just needed to be sure. In the end she was more positive about some, but not them all.

There was one she wasn't comfortable with killing, and that would be Parker. All those years ago in that horrible place, she had felt a softness for the boy. He'd been in so much pain, so fearful. It reminded her of when she was younger.

Still, even if she was paired with the boy, there was always next week to snap the neck of someone else. Mara knew it would be best to do it sooner than later, but she couldn't allow herself to kill someone that didn't exactly deserve it.

When the day came, Mara carried herself with an air of confidence that the others simply could not achieve. It was almost sad to think that they all woke up today, unknowing that one of them could die. So oblivious.

The gymnasium was set up as usual, with a sparring ring sat in the middle. Miss Sokolov was sat there, reading through some papers. Mara simply glanced over the woman before keeping her eyes straight.

The group around her included the six other original girls from the beginning, Mara making it seven. After that were the ones that came from the horrible place, which consisted of three boys and two girls. All together there were twelve in training, all highly skilled and equipped to kill.

When sparring began, two people were called at a time. By the time the fourth duo fought, Mara was frustrated. She was anxious to get it over with. It was important that it happened.

"Parker and Sybil," There was a certain relief for Mara. Now she knew she wouldn't have to fight with Parker, and now she knew that she could get her plan done sooner than later. Then finally she could be at peace in the void, no emotions to bother her.

This only left Mara and one other girl to spar. Looking at her, Mara could only see the girls face from many years ago when they were set loose in the tundra. The girls name was Callie, and she had been the weak one.

How funny was it, that all those years ago, Mara knew this girl would die. In the beginning she hadn't known it would be by her own hands, but here she was. It was too bad that Mara wouldn't be going up against someone more matched to her, such as Sybil.

Callies mutation had been a simple one, invisibility. It was basic, but obviously very useful in this line of work. Luckily for Mara, she didn't need to see the girl to kill her.

Ahead of Mara, Parker and Sybil sparred harshly. The boys body was on fire and the girls was in her mutated state. Sybil was dangerous, but her mutation was not beautiful. It covered her skin in a scaly armor, making it impenetrable. Today's spar was to discover if the scales were fire proof, which seemed to be proving true.

It was only moments before Parker was pinned, ending the spar. Mara felt as if she were about to explode in anticipation.

Upon looking up to the victor, Mara made eye contact with Sybil. The scaly girl was feeling triumph and superiority, a smug smile on her face aimed at Mara. She was the one that she had originally wanted to kill, but Callie would have to do.

"Mara and Callie," Miss Sokolov called. Slowly the two girls walked onto the sparring mat, going into opposite corners. Both stretched slightly, warming up.

Callie didn't feel nervous, something Mara picked up on. She knew it was because that last week's punishment was still evident, along with her two month absence. The girl figured that Mara was weakened, and that she had the advantage.

She would regret those thoughts.

"Start," Immediately Callie had went invisible and Mara went on guard. She'd toy with the girl for a few moments, then she'd end it.

Due to being able to see through Callies eyes with her own abilities, Mara was able to see her every move before they were made and dodge them. It was a weird feeling to be in two bodies at once, but it was the only way she'd remain untouchable.

There was aggravation that rose from Callie and Miss Sokolov. The spar was going on too long, and their mentor knew that Mara was simply toying with the girl.

With one last look at the girls with judging eyes on the sidelines, Mara made her move. Within seconds, blood and guts splattered everywhere, covering Mara from head to toe.

There was a moment of silence, then simple shock. Anger came from Miss Sokolov while pure fear seeped from her classmates. Mara did nothing as she stared the group of classmates down, watching as they cast their eyes down, no longer feeling the confidence to hold her gaze. Just as it had always been.

It wasn't long before she was being dragged off for punishment, but Mara simply did not care. She craved for the pain of punishment, which did nothing in comparison to the accomplishment she felt now.

She was Mara now, only Mara.

Wow... the first chapter of Veniality! This is crazy and amazing. I never thought I'd come so far in this story, but I promise to see it through to the end.

How do you all feel about this? Happy? Sad?

How is quarantine going for you all? Mine is going okay and was a much needed break from school, even if I am going a little crazy trapped at home all of the time. I'm getting the new animal crossing soon so that should be fun! Be sure to give friend codes!

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