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The two boys stood outside of Jaemin's apartment.

Renjun checked the paper Chenle had given them one last time, making sure the had the right address.

"Well, this is the place..." Renjun muttered to himself.

Jeno raised his hand and knock on the door.

about a minute passed when the door finally opened, revealing Jaemin with his morning hair.

Jaemin looked at the two of them
" who are you guys?"

Jeno immediately answered, knowing that Renjun was too shy to do so.

" I'm Lee Jeno and this is Huang Renjun and we're your soulmates."

Renjun wanted to facepalm at how straight to the point Jeno was.

" What? Is this some kind of prank? Did Donghyuck set you up to this?" Jaemin rambled on.

Renjun decided it was time for him to speak up " no, it's not a prank, we have the tattoos."

Both boys rolled up their sleeves, showing their tattoos.

Jaemin didn't want to believe them, he didn't want a soulmate.

" I don't mean to offend you, but I don't exactly want a soulmate, and the thought of having two of them is a bit much for me. Besides, I don't even have my tattoos..."

Renjun was about to say something that was probably a bit reasonable, but he didn't get to say it because Jeno beat him to it.

" Well we'll just stay with you until you get your tattoos and see that we are indeed your soulmates!" Jeno said with a bright smile.

Jaemin didn't have to say anything,his face said it all..



Of course that didn't stop the two boys—well Renjun wanted to stop, but Jeno dragged the short boy with him.

"They keep following me! How did they even get my address?" Jaemin exclaimed to Donghyuck and Chenle, who were sitting on Jaemin's bed.

Chenle gave a nervous laugh "well.. funny story actually..."

Jaemin glared"Chenle. Please don't tell me you gave them my address ."

" Okay, I won't tell you."

Yeah things got pretty violent after that..

Donghyuck was now restraining Jaemin who was holding a plastic knife, from attacking the poor Chinese boy who was hiding under Jaemin's bed.

"Jaemin calm down!" Donghyuck yelled as the latter started to become harder to hold.

" I'm sorry hyung! I was just so happy that you had a soulmate— well two soulmates— all I wanted was for you to find someone who could love you. So when Renjun and Jeno explained the situation to me, I felt so happy, knowing that really had a soulmate, and wouldn't be lonely all your life! I'm sorry for giving them your address..." Chenle apologized, while holding back tears.

Jaemin hates seeing Chenle sad, it was like stepping on a puppies tail, and he couldn't help but feel guilty.

Jaemin lowered his arm that held the plastic utensil, and Donghyuck deemed it safe to release him.

" Oh no don't cry, baby! I'm sorry for getting mad, you just wanted to help..." Jaemin told the scared boy.

Jaemin leaned down and cradled the boy in his arms like a baby.

" How come you don't act this way towards me?" Donghyuck butted in.

Jaemin glared at him " because you're an evil shit, that's why."

Donghyuck was offended to say the least, but a loud knock on Jaemin's front door stopped him.

The three boys stared at each other before shrugging and going to see who was at the door.

Jaemin opened his door and was greeted with the two people he didn't want to see.

Jaemin groaned as the two boys invited themselves in, well Jeno did, Renjun hesitated, but was dragged by Jeno.

"Oh hi Jaemin's friends." Jeno waved to Chenle and Donghyuck.

Renjun bowed slightly to Jaemin " sorry for interrupting you, I told Jeno we shouldn't bother you, but he dragged me along anyways."

Renjun wasn't as bad as Jeno, he was mature and calmer.

" So, you too are Jaemin's soulmates?" Donghyuck asked.

Jeno nodded "yep, I'm Jeno and that's Renjun."


Jeno ended up spending the night at Jaemin's house, much to the latter's disliking. Renjun went home at around 8:00 PM, claiming he had work in the morning.

Jeno was now watching some series on Netflix in Jaemin's living room.

"Are you seriously NOT going home?" Jaemin groaned annoyed.

Jeno shook his head "nope."

Jaemin sighed, this was going to be a long night.


Chapter 5 is complete!

I suffered from minor writer's block, but I'm back!!

Also, completely random, but I saw this comment on Instagram and just wanted to share it with you all

" I had to put my grades up for adoption because I couldn't raise them."

Shout out the the person who wrote that!! You made my day!

I'm so random it's sad.

I'm kinda stupid but that's okay :)))



I almost forgot!

Thank you all for reading this and giving me support!!

I'm thankful for you all <33333

Luv you 3000 <333


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