My blue eyes stared at the clock, five more minutes and it will be summer. I start to play with my long blue hair, that is in two ponytails. Wearing red tank top and black shorts because of the heat. As I died from the heat, I started to daydream to make time pass, and I heard the last bell ring, indicating schools over. Quickly getting up I walked out of the stuffy full classroom. Having to dodge people in the halls, so we don't clash into each other, I try to get to my locker for the last time. By the time I got to my locker everyone was gone and the halls were quite. The clicking of the lock being unlocked was the only thing heard, before the groan of the locker being opened. As it opened a pink note fell out and onto the tiled floor.
"What is this?" I asked myself, as I bent over to grab the note. Unfolding it, I read the message within. "I am always watching" it read. Shivering at the thought of being watched. I looked around to see if anyone was there. The school halls were quite, no one was there. "Its probably a joke" I thought to myself as I put the note in my pocket. Still a little freaked out I packed up my stuff and went outside. The bright sun blazed down on me as I opened the door, to the outside. As my eyes adjust to the light, I saw my friend Summer. "Ohh yeah I was suppose to walk in town with her, I forgot." I quickly ran up to her,
"Hi" I said
"Hey, what took you so long sky?" She asked me.
"Sorry, there was just this creepy note in my locker."
"Oh, Let me see it." I nodded and reached into my back pocket slipping the note out and handing her it. She read the note, as I watched waiting to see her reaction. Her brown eyes scanned the the piece of paper, before she looked back at me. Handing the paper back to me.
"Its probably just a joke" she told me.
"Yeah just a joke" I said while putting the note in my back pocket.
"Come on lets go in town" I said as I turned around and started to walk.
"Are you sure you don't wont a ride sky?" I heard her ask me as I was trying to find my phone and blue earphones. We had finished walking, and she was in the blue jeep, that was her moms car.
"Yeah, I am sure. I can just walk" I pulled out my phone and earphones and looked up.
"Ok! Bia"
"Bye" I yelled as I saw the car drive off. Putting in my earphones, I opened up my music and started to play my hollywood undead play-list. As I started to walk to my house.
After 30 minutes of walking and listening to music I finally got back home. Taking out my earphones while walking up my drive way walking to the front door. I looked in my bag slightly trying to find the keys. After a bit I pulled out my house key, unlocking the door, I walked into my house. As I walked in I was hoping to be greeted by family, or someone. But I knew that would not be possible. As they had died, in a car accident a year ago, they where gone and I had to get used to it. Sighing at the thought of my family being dead. I threw my red and black checker colored bag onto the floor and put my phone on a little table next to the door closing the door with my foot. I started to walk to the kitchen for some food. Walking into my kitchen I went to the old dirty fridge and opened it. Seeing as there were some left over chicken and broccoli with fried rice. I took it out and heated it up in the microwave. Two minutes later it was piping hot, and I was carrying the food in the living room. As I walked into my living I got to the coffee table, setting my food down. A blue folded not caught my eye, on the black table. Not remembering, leaving a note on a table. Picking it up and unfolding yet again another note, the note red. Don't worry love I get you soon. Eyes widening I drop the note on the table, as my hands shook slightly. "This isn't a Joke. It can't be, who would go this far? I have to call the cops." Shaking my head to get out of my own thoughts I walked quickly over to get my phone

Mistero / ThrillerSky is usually carefree and happy. This all stops when she starts to get these creepy notes and texts. She soon realizes she has a stalker. what will happen when her stalker kidnappees her. Will she escape, stay by force or will she fall in love wit...