First Kiss

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  He loves giving you surprise kisses, at least, after you guys start dating. Before dating he gets really embarrassed whenever you flirt with him, and he still does. Your first actual kiss though was when Stephen was being an annoying H O and pushed Dan into you.
  All I'm gonna say is that Dan was very confused when you left and gave Stephen a high-five.

  Poor Hosuh is too scared to even get close to your body, let alone kiss you. Your first kiss was a few months into dating, and you were the one who initiated it.
  "Hosuuhhh" "Yes?" Then a quick smooch happened. But now Hosuh loves your kisses.

  He tries kissing you all the time, but always ends up kissing your hand and then getting the back hand. Basically you block your face with your hand every time he tries.
  But on your wedding day you won't be able to refuse his kisses. :3

  He's likes teasing you by kissing your hand. Since you two aren't dating yet, he doesn't want to go straight for the collar bone (Yet).
  But he still respects wamen, so he got your permission to scare you when you started hanging out.
  Stupidly, you agreed.

  He always tries finding ways to pay you back for how nice you are to him, and Stephen had an idea.
  "Hey Y/N! Watch out!" "What Step-" And then he pushes you into Gavin, making you two kiss on accident
  "What the hell Stephen?!"

  (A/N - I dont care that Gavin and Dan's are similar, I'm tired and need to school.)

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