Chapter 2

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The directors head through the hallway walking side by side, the only sound was their foots echo through the dark corridor.... 

"Aaaccchhhhooooooo" A loud noise came from the small yellow bird, he wiped the end of his beak where is nose might be and gave it a blow. 

"Bless you" Grooves said with a hint of care in his voice "Are you not well, darlin'"? 

"No... whad gave dhad idea away, yooo-yoooo-cccchhhhoooooo. Excuse me."The Conductor shaking his head, "Ya full of haggis, Grooves. Your only be ill if ya gi-gi..... give in" That almost slipped out when trying to prove a point. "Besides, it's freezing this morning, and I HADE the cold! Ya dhink dhad me films are wesderns, dhey be sed in dhe warm deserds, unlike your films dhad be on the cold and 'orrible boon." 

With Conductor talking more and more, his voice sounds off due to the mucus building up in his nasal cavity, they halt in the reception before splitting to go to their separate movie sets as both are still chatting at each other. 

"Well you have your reason, but I have my own. But we both can agree for once that you're sick, you look it and sound it, don't deny it" Grooves scoff to how offended he was when the yellow thing had just said about his home sweet home, but he knows he's right about the Conductor being ill. 

"Oh ush ya Peck Neck, I doh wanna be 'earing abou wha you godda say abou me" his speech showing more signs of a very blocked nose that needs a good blow to get rid of rapid building snot. 

"Just go on about your film, but I'll have you know that I told you so." 

"Fine, I bill." The Conductor stormed of shaking with anger... of from still being cold and having one. 

But before heading into his part of his Studio, he snatched the tissue box from the Receptionist's desk and rush to go through his studio doors, thinking he got away with it he let out one massive sneeze he had kept down awhile to prove a point and a loud blow noise.... which can be heard even from the reception where the DJ saw hidden behind the cut-out of his own old movie "Funk-E". Grooves signed while rolling his eyes and closed his door behind him to film his next big hit. 

It's nearly noon. Rainbow lights filled the over-the-top glimmering movie set, with the stereos blaring out the jazziest tunes. 

"That's it penguins, move to the beat, keep this going and we'll be able to keep this take" DJ Grooves outstandingly announced, as they finally been able to keep the first takes for each scene so far in a very long time, this sounded to easy as this what helped him win his first ever Award. 

A loud bang can be heard on Grooves' door that only him and his penguins enter the flashy movie set. The knocking became more demanding and desperate for someone to answer. Grooves moon-jumped from directors chair to the shaking door. 

"Alright darlings, take a break for now and I'll be back to film the next scene."He opened the large door to only see a scared and very sweaty Express Owl. 

"Ssssso sssorry iiiif I disrupted your recccccording session, DJ Grrroooves" The owl stuttered, his jitters nearly causing is glasses to fall of his face. "Wwwwe rrrreally need your hhelllp. Iiit's an emergency!" 

Despite of the whole rivalry between the Owls and Penguins, DJ Grooves has full respect for the owls who had to put up with the Conductor's tantrums when things don't go his way and even the smallest things upset him. It's not their fault for the rivalry and shouldn't be shunned down on, they are all birds after all. 

"Ok darling, calm down and slowing tell me exactly what has happened" Grooves already knows WHO this emergency has got to be about.Heading to the western set of the studio, the scared owl tries at his best ability to attempt to even process of what even happened in the room next door. 

"As you know The Conductor is very loud, but is very clumsy, and I mean CLUMSY! He was carrying the scripts which weren't even organised or even put together as a massive pile that he couldn't see what was in front of him." 

"When has he ever organised any of his scripts, his all 'action' and nothing more, nearly half had scripts provided by him and didn't even use them at all and that surely waste the expenses in this studio that what we cannot afford any actors other than birds" 

Grooves explained as it's nothing to what the Owl described to an emergency, but what a 'normal' Conductor is actually like. "Sorry, do continue." 

"That's alright, he'd then slipped on one of the pages that fell of the stack but only looses like a third of it, but then sneezes the rest out and flying everywhere. It was like a storm was inside, no joke an ACTUAL storm. He said to peck with the script and tried to climb on to his chair but is doing it very poorly." 

Those chairs are very tall even for someone as short as the Conductor, he would have some trouble taking his but is getting better, but due to the state he was in would have made it as if he was trying it out for the first time. 

"He'd struggled for a while and we offered to helped but he hissed back like an angry rattle snake, which I still think is still slithering around from "Snakes on a Train" but then he sneezed again and pulled the chair down with him and it fell and caused a domino effect of damage to the cut out teepees and cactus."

 The Penguin is staring down at the shaken owl as to now knowing how much damage the sick Conductor had caused all morning. The moment of truth is now just behind the Western Set doors. 

"Alright, Darling. I think I got the jist as to what 'emergency' we're dealing with here."He opened the door and the Owl wasn't exaggerated. 


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