Who are you?

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I walked around the small house like area, cleaning as much as o could. I scrubbed the floors already, scrubbed the tables, washed the walls, made sure all the pictures were straight. The list goes on and on. I stopped at the living room again. I already dusted everything but maybe I missed a spot. I walked around the room checking everything. Nothing wasn't dusted so, I decided to go ask what to do now. I hoped he was in a good mood. I walked into the corridor that holds his room, mine, and the door to a dark room. I knocked on the door, hoping he was still here.

"Who is it!" He yelled obviously upset.

"It's me, Deceit sir!" I said back. I heard him groan.

"What do you want?"

"I, I cleaned everything up and wanted to know if," I paused, I couldn't just ask what else to do, "if you wanted food!" Yeah, totally what I was going for.

"Sure don't fuck it up this time would yeah?" He growled.

"Yes sir!" I said scrambling away from the door, he was definitely not happy! I went to the kitchen, deciding to make some pasta for lunch. He hates the store bought stuff so I have to make it from scratch.

I dropped the pasta into the water, when I do, I hear his door open. He walked into the kitchen asking me, "what are you making?" In a gruff voice, sounds like he just woke up.

"Pasta, your favorite way" I said simply. I'm really not in the mood to fight. He slaps back of my head, which he does a lot when I'm being dumb. I close my eyes from the impact, pausing what I'm doing.

"You should've finished cleaning you idiot" he says walking away.

"I did finish sir, however I dirtied the kitchen while cooking, I'm sorry I'll clean when I'm done" I said respectfully. I don't respect him very much, but he saved me from death. Thats respectable, right? The pastas done, and I drain it. I then use the sauce I made earlier that was cooling and heat it up slightly with the stove. Pouring the pasta into the sauce I mix it and grab a single bowl. I grab a good amount and put the bowl in front of him. He hasn't said his name and I refuse to call him what he wants me to call him. So for now it's just him for a name.

"Thank you Deceit" I nod and go back to mindless cleaning. Even if I've cleaned everything possible. I pick up the kitchen and wash dishes.

I collapse next to my bed. I don't care enough to get on it and I start to cry. I just want to see Virgil again. He shouldn't have been left. I shouldn't have left. I should've stayed home. I push myself up and sit on my bed. I zone out for awhile still crying.

I snap back to reality, however, I'm in a new place. What the hell? I look around and I find I'm in a house like area. I sit on the couch. Where am I?

"Hello!" I hear a voice say. I scream and scramble away into the couch. "Ah!" They say panicky "No no! It's okay! I'm nice!" I curl in a ball.

"I'm going crazy, this isn't real" I murmur to myself. The said person comes closer. "Who are you" I ask, still in my ball.

"I'm a friend! My names Jay!" I nod and slowly uncurl myself.

"Where am I? How'd I even get here! Oh god he's gonna have my head for this. What happened to him? Was I rescued? Is Virgil here? Is he ok-"

"Calm down I'll explain, I'm not sure how long I have but I'll do as much as I can" Jay sits down on floor and starts to explain. "You are in the head space, it's like a place to go when you need to have a break. You kinda, zone out and then someone takes over for you. The person out right now is Chris. He's like your, um, I'm not sure how to put it but he comes out when you need a break like I said before. He knows what you've been through kinda, well he knows how to make himself not suspicious. While your here you should probably take a nap."

I listened carefully to Jays words and nodded. "So what do you kinda represent?" I ask grabbing a blanket on the corner of the couch.

"I'm like your protecter, if you get hurt too bad I'll take front and protect you until it's safe" Jay said standing up. "Have a nice sleep for now" They said walking away. I covered up and dozed off. It was the safest I've ever felt going to sleep.

I woke with a start, my head was killing me and I was suddenly walking into the kitchen at the base. Well, it was nice while it lasted. I wasn't sure what I was meant to be doing but I could see very faint lines on my wrist. I looked closer and saw marker, Clean up and make chicken for dinner-Chris. I sigh and start to clean, that nap helped a little bit not much. I wonder when I will go back there. Am I crazy because of this? Probably. I mean, who has other people in there heads? I sweep the dirt into the pan and throw it out. I've been told that if I fill the trash out it outside the door that is connected to the kitchen. I'm not aloud out there except for putting the trash there. I wonder what's out there. I mean, it could be other people, or wild. Or hey, I could just be living in a house. Actually maybe not. I mean what house doesn't have windows? I continue to clean, questions running through my mind.

Ok! Second chapter done! If it wasn't obvious, which it probably wasn't. Dimitri has DID, or dissociative identity disorder. I don't personally have this, nor do I know anyone that does. I've done as much research as I can for it but even then I'm sure I'm missing some stuff. So, if I hurt anyone by trying to explain it with my character then I'm very sorry, again I don't know how it works fully but still tried to show it. All I'm trying to do is bring content to some people, I might be changing this so it's different and Dimitri doesn't have DID. I'm just doing what I can I really don't mean to hurt anyone with this. Anyways, I hope I didn't hurt anyone with this chapter and I hope everyone has a good day.

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