Uh, me being a dumb bitch and wishing this was done so i could do my other book?

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As long as you read the first book you know what happens in between Virgil's cat getting introduced and the New Years chapter so yeah, I don't feel like rewriting half of that all when Dimitri was barely there. So the chapters that are skipped are 'Another deal' and 'Christmas' Now the storyline is where the chapter 'New Years' from the first took place. Meaning it's obviously New Years.

Christmas has come and gone, I wasn't sad it was gone, but it was a little upsetting. Mostly because New Years meant that Patton was coming over and I still haven't got over my crush. Also meaning that everyone that's coming over will have someone for the New Year. No I'm not sad at all. I sniffled a little and finally finished putting my new clothes away. My older ones from when I was little have been packed into a box and put into the back of my closet. I sighed softly, looking around the room once more. It wasn't big, nor was it small. However it was plain, as the bed sheets were a pure grey, like everything in the room. The entire room reminded me of Huxley's room for me. The one that still plagued me with nightmares. I took a shaky breath, wiping my eyes quickly leaving the room. Heading towards the closet in the hall, I grabbed some new, more colorful sheets and blankets. I quickly returned to my room making the bed with more colorful sheets and such. I nodded, happy that the room was a little brighter. I sighed, realizing that I needed to get Roman over the house while I went to the store and got some snacks and drinks for the party. There was a list that hung on the fridge that Virgil had written. I nodded as I went through what else I had to do today. I quickly put on my shoes and coat, leaving the house after yelling to Virgil.

"I'll be back soon!" I yelled. I didn't wait for a response and walked out the door. I closed it behind me and pulled my jacket closer to my body. I wasn't used to the cold weather as I normally went somewhere where it had heat to wait out the cold months. Along with the he fact that Hux- Never mind. I'm just not used to the cold. I quickly walked to Romans house across the street and knocked on the door.

"Hello? Oh hi there beautiful~" Remus flirted leaning towards my face. I quickly shoved his face away, sighing, with a blank expression.

"Shut the hell up Remus, where's your brother" I said harshly. I still had to get to the store. Oh shit, I forgot to grab the list. Damn it. Remus frowned. "Besides I'm older then you so even I did like you, which I don't, we couldn't date." Remus groaned, telling me to hold on while he got Roman. I tapped my fingers to an imaginary song while I waited. Roman soon showed up at the door, apologizing for his brother. I just rolled my eyes and walked back to the house. "Virgil's upstairs, get him down stairs he needs to clean up a bit" Roman nodded and walked into the living room. I quickly walked to the kitchen, grabbing the list. Looking over it, I realized I had to go to the bigger store across town. Which I wasn't looking forward to. I sighed, walking back outside. However with a slightly bigger jacket. I hummed a song while I walked, I couldn't really remember where it was from.

"It's fucking freezing!" I said walking into the house. Virgil walked over to me as I said that.

"Good to know, how about you close the door so it stays warm?" He said. I laughed.

"Whatever pipsqueak" I said ruffling his hair after putting down a bag. He pushed me away and I grabbed the bag. "What did you two get done?" I asked walking to the kitchen to put things away.

"I cleaned the house up a little" Virgil said walking in to help.

"And I, have been making lunch!" Roman said grandly. I sighed, wishing I wasn't stuck with these two. They are honestly so annoying.

I groaned as the doorbell rang once more. So far, Remus and Logan we're here. Meaning it was Patton, unfortunately. I haven't got over him. I sighed, pulling open the door.

"Hello Patton!" I said smiling. He bounced in his spot.

"Hi Dee! How are you?" He asked. I motioned for him to come in.

"I'm doing ok, and you?" I asked waiting for him in the entryway.

"I'm doing amazing!" He said smiling.

After all the games we had played, including spoons with a twist and twister with a twist. Well, there were a few more games we played too.

"Hm well, dare"

"Okay! Well I dare you to give everyone a hug!" Patton giggled.

"Pop star, that's not really a dare you know" Virgil said accusingly. I narrowed my eyes, it was a dare to Patton and that was fine. Others laughed with my brother.

"I know" Patton said sadly, "but I don't have anything good" I sighed, getting up. I went around giving everyone hugs. I give Patton a longer one then the rest.

Just as the time was 11:59, the New Years ball was shown. I smiled lightly, sitting on the arm of the couch. I looked briefly to Patton, seeing who he near. He was close to Logan, and he kept glancing at him, I frowned lightly.

"Ten!" Everyone but me said counting down with it.




I saw Virgil look over to Roman, pulling him closer. I looked away quickly.

"Five!" I watched as Patton stood, going to Logan. They talked lightly, a blush soon fell into Logan's cheeks, I frowned lightly.


Logan and Patton kissed, as did my brother and Roman. I quickly left the room. Remus must've stayed there. I guess some things aren't meant to happen, and some things are, and I know that I can't control any of it. But I'll be okay with it eventually. Even if I'm a little broken now, I'll heal.

Besides, not every story ends with a happy ever after.

That was the last chapter, hope you liked the book because I sure didn't. Anyways, I'll see you all later! If you wanna see more work from me, I'm still updating my newest book, A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes. Anyways, that's all everyone, see yeah next time!

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