Free to destroy the Emerald Forest!

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Ryu: This is gonna be good. Looks like these things are spring loaded, so we're gonna get some air!

Every one of the first year students were on launch pads on the cliff of the Emerald Forest.

Ozpin: For years you have all trained to be warriors. You will all be tested here in the Emerald Forest.

Goodwitch: You will all be given teams, today.

Ruby: Huh?

Ozpin: These four people are going to be who you spend the rest of your time at Beacon with, so it is in your interest to pair with someone who with you could work well.

Ruby: Awww.

With every word they said, Ruby was crushed like a leaf.

Ozpin: That being said, the first person person you make eye contact with, will be your partner.

And it was at that moment that Ruby's mindset shattered.

Ruby: What?!

Ryu: So a game of chance huh? I like it.

Azure: Karma, I will not move from my spot or open my eyes until you find me. We can not let Ryu have access to your monstrous levels of Aura when he has ones even more so.

Karma: I'll search for you. Who knows what could happen if Ryu has access to my semblance?

Azure: Utter chaos that's what.

Ryu: Screw off, both of you.

Ozpin: After you've partnered up, make you way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path, or you will die.

At that moment, Ryu had a smile of immeasurable happiness.


Karma: The Forest is done for.

Azure: It looks so nice from up here.

Ozpin: After you reach the northern most area, there will be a temple, containing several relics. You and your partner must guard that relic, and your standings, and we will grade you accordingly. Questions?

Jaune: Yeah, um sir-

Ozpin: Good, now take you standings.

Ryu: Ahhhh it feels like it's my birthday!

Ozpin: The launching will commence now.

Jaune: Uh, sir? How exactly will we be getting down there?

Ryu: We're getting launched Jaune.

Jaune: Wait what?!

Before he could say anything they all launched in different directions.

Jaune: AHHHH!!!!

Ryu has been launched the heights which was good for his landing strategy. Before he did any of that though, he let out his signature battle cry.


While he was dropping, he brought his hands back and got ready to blow up the ground beneath him as much as he could.

When the Overpowered Teen landed, he created a massive explosion that shook the very forest itself.

Ryu: Oh damn I made a pretty big dent here. Guess this is my first big impact on the world.

RWBY: Team RAGE (RWBY X OVERPOWERED OC)Where stories live. Discover now