Huntsmen vs Dragon

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Glynda: Now girls, all you need to do is place your hands on the walls.

The three nodded. They walked up to the walls and placed their hands on the stones. Their Aura's began to flicker as the entrance faintly glowed.

Glynda: Now Ryu.

Ryu: Got it.

He walked up to the wall and placed his hand on it. Soon it fully shone and began to unlock. It opened revealing a serene forest.

Ryu: Well Azure, you ready for this?

Azure: We've never met a challenge we couldn't beat together.

They fist bumped before walking in.

Glynda: Girls, we have to stay here to reopen the door. Keeping our hands on here for a long period of time could significantly reduce our aura.

Karma: Right.

They removed their hands from the door making it slowly close.

Erica: We have to be on guard. Grimm could be coming anywhere because of that statue.

Karma: How is it even possible for a Grimm to be turned to stone anyway?

Aero: Oh right you all don't know.

Glynda: It appears I need to continue my job as your teacher. How about a little history lesson.


Azure: So this is inside a relic Vault Huh? It more, peaceful than I imagined it.

Ryu: Yeah it was kinda like this at Haven too. Just a lot less me freezing Cinder.

Azure: Wait you mean that scrawny Fall Maiden? Is she alive?

Ryu: Probably not. She fell down the edge of the ground and flung into God knows where in there.

Azure: Hey, remember that Koro-Sensei incident?

Ryu: Oh you mean when I froze him with a dust crystal and thought he was... dead.....

A calm wind blew past the two with both of them deadpanning.

Ryu: You know what maybe being trained by Summer was better for me then I thought...

Azure: Still hellbent on revenge?

Ryu: To be honest, I've learned that holding a grudge is pretty useless. I mean I'm still gonna kill her, just for me. Cause if she gets in our way, I'll have to finish her. So best of both worlds I guess.

Azure: Haha, and here I thought you were gonna go psycho next time she showed her face.

Ryu: Oh come on I've killed a few people in my life and I suddenly get expected to loose it when it comes to revenge.

Azure: Ok think about what you just said out loud.

Ryu: Yeah I realized it the moment I said it. But anyway let's just go. And remember to be on guard. Anything could happen in here.

Azure: Yeah. Your right.

The began walking as Ryu made a sudden realization.

Ryu: You know, I just realized I could've destroyed that Grimm Statue.

Azure: Wait a minute EITHER of us could've done that. There would've been no Grimm interference to rebuild.

Ryu was about to say more but his eyes became slitted. He turned around and shot a thunderbolt. At what, he had no idea.


Azure: What are you talking a- HOLY CRAP!!!!

Shojo's eyes were wide seeing what Ryu just shot at.

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