The Perks of being Evil

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About 3 months had passed since Ryu had gone to the dark side and let's just say.

Things were pretty damn good.

Ryu was able to do as he pleased since Salem didn't even care as long as long as he did what she asked, although actually giving her a headache with his shenanigans. Like this one for example.


Salem was sitting down on her throne and had just started looking through the Seer Grimm. Ryu hen she did, she saw fire everywhere in the place she looked. This place was the rubble at the tower in Beacon. A vein formed on her head as she new the cause of this.

Salem: Ryu!! Come to this room at once!!

In a flash, Ryu was in his seat on Salem's right.

Ryu: What up?

Salem: You know exactly what I called you here for!

Ryu: Was it because I banged your daughter?

Salem: Excuse me?

Ryu: Nothing. Why did you call me?

Salem: I want to know why exactly you lit the rubble on the tower in Beacon on fire!

Ryu: Why do you automatically think it's me? I mean Keith can set things on fire to.

Salem: But he cant teleport and move at sonic speeds.

Ryu: Alright it was me. Well it really wasn't being worked on very much, and it's possible Ozpin's old body was there, so I decided to torch it so they had some more motivation.

Salem: You do realize the Relic could have still been there don't you?

Ryu: I mean it's most likely fire proof of it survived an explosion. And plus if they build it the same way then it won't be much harder to find.

Salem growled at the at first idiocy but then sound logic of his explanation.

Salem: Very well. But you best not forget the trainer huntsman and huntresses are also there.

Ryu: Pfft, Aurora couldn't even scratch me and she was as strong as Qrow, what makes you think anyone there could stop me?

Salem: Touché. Fine then, your dismissed. Ryu was about to turn around but was stopped by her.

Salem: And what did were you saying about my daughter?

Ryu started sweating a bit before coming up with one of his lesser known excuses.

Ryu: Oh hey look at the time I gotta train see yah bye!

Ryu vanished leaving Salem confused.

Flashback Over!

So yeah, Glynda is gonna have to do more work because of that.

Ryu: Well if I can do whatever I want, I'm gonna whatever the hell I want.

Shojo: Being good was nice, but working for the bad guy always has it perks.

And to those who are wondering, YES, Ryu popped the cherry on another one.

Ryu: That was not by my own free will!!

Shojo: For once he's telling the full truth. This is how it went.


Ryu: Ok for some reason she wanted me to come here.

He looked in front of him and saw two mahogany doors.

Ryu: Why do I have a very bad feeling about this.

Shojo: Oh come on don't worry about it. It's not like you're gonna get raped.

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