Love ya

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First date

Jerry: *blushes* S-so... d-do you um.. like

Max: *blushing too* Y-yeah?

Jerry: *Thinks: Don't say sex. Don't say sex* L-like sports?

Max: Well I um.. kinda? I like football

Jerry: a-ah! How nice.

Max: Well what about you? You like... *Thinks: Don't say banging. Don't say banging.* Animals?

Jerry: Y-yes! I have two cats at home!

Max: I'm more of a dog person, but I do like cats every now and then.


~ Honestly a lot dates later ~


Jerry: You know what would be crazy right now?

Max: Whispers: if you and me fucked right underneath this table right now?

Jerry: I was gonna say blowjob under the table, but yes!~


Jerry: It's amazing how we never get tired of each other.

Max: We're just all the way soulmates. *kisses his cheek*

Jerry: *laughs a bit* Yeah. *kisses his cheek*


Alex: I'm pretty curious to find out what would've happened if I swooned him.

Max: You weren't gay back then.

Alex: I turned gay.

Max: Still.

Jerry: Well you would've been late anyways. He proposed on my birthday. Best gift ever. Nothing will ever top that on any of my other birthdays.

Max: Exactly. I am the master.

Alex: Whatever you say Master. *rolls eyes*

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