_PAST_The high School

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When you're up against a trouble,
Meet it squarely, face to face;
Lift your chin and set your shoulders,
Plant your feet and take a brace.
When it's vain to try to dodge it,
Do the best that you can do;
You may fail, but you may conquer,
See it through!

By Edgar guest.

{3 Years Before.}

Bellona(17 year's old)

I know it doesn't make any sense but I hate everything about today.


For example, I can't stand Mr Roy,
My Class sir.
He is in his early thirty's.
Who currently is in front of me.
Looking for some specific definition of our topic from the book.
he has this bad habit of staring.
And he behaves very friendly with me.
That. I don't like at all.
Sometimes he would put his hand behind my chair while giving me smile which I want to wipe from his fucking face!

I'm hating him even more today.

And this girl who is sitting beside me, who is giving me weird kind of smile.
I hate her smile.
A smile which she doesn't want to give me but is giving because my dad is Lexis Lachowski.
The famous business icon.

Not a new thing.

I returned her smile with my own fake one that she can't tell and started to note down anything to avoid an awkward conversation.

Like I said, not a new thing.

As the bell rings my sweet legs carried me out of that suffocating place.


'Food my love, here I come.'

But all my enthusiasm was brutally killed, murdered- as my eyes made a connection with Stephanie.

Yet my smile was there.
On my face.
Stephanie waved her hand toward me.
Universal gesture.

I walked to her table., where all the popular student were seated.

Oh, I forgot. I'm also one of them.

They all looked beautiful.,
If only I could say the same about their soul.
Which I can't say. At least not for some of them.

Stephanie is the Queen bee of my so cold yet fucking Hot school.

Silver oak high school.

"Bellona, my love. Come sit with us"
She said with a smile.

God, her voice is too sweet to be true.

"Hey Steph, sorry. But I have to go to the library for some books."
I said while giving her a side hug.

"Oh, no problem. And we are going for shopping so we will meet after school. If that's okay with you.?"
She gestures her friends.
We means me included in their squad.


"Of course, why not." Saying no would be vain.

"Okay, bye darling." She waved and other of her friends were also waving.

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