_PAST_The Imperfectly perfect.

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"Pain is not only present in tears,
Sometimes it's also exist in smiles,
You just have to look closely."-   

.Still in the Past.


'You are perfect'
Everyone calls me perfect.
And they love me not because of who I am, but because I'm perfect.
But in reality, I'm far from that word.
Dad had warned me and this was my last chance.

He knows what I can become.
But right now he is happy with me. After all, I'm being perfect.

I'm just good at hiding my demons in front of others. Who are just waiting for one moment of slip. And I'll not give them -that moment.
But I'm terrified.
I'm terrified When I'll not be able to control my demons.
But I don't have to be. Because of those pills.
They help me to bury my demons inside some dark corner of mine.

Its been a week since I had met him.
One week full of stress and anxiety.
But I want to meet him again.
Just to-

Just to what!?- Asked the voice in my head.

That is the question!
What will I ask him?
'Hey, I have some doubts about you, no, not about you. but about me. So will you to-'

No way!
God, it sounds so absurd. Even in my mind.!
But I have to do something.

When dad asked me what happened after the incident-
I didn't tell him.

First I have to make sure.
I have to prove the point to myself that I wasn't hallucinating.
I have to test my theories first then I can tell dad about the incident.

In this previous week.
I've been stalking him.
And because of that, I've come to some conclusions.

He doesn't talk to anyone.
He doesn't give a damn about anyone.
And I know this because I had seen his fights with our school jocks and bullies.
Sometimes even with teachers.

He is really tall, I think about 6'2 or 3.
I'm not short either. I'm 5'8.

At first, when all the students in my class hit the puberty, I was the shortest in the class.
But then magically after the Christmas holiday.
I was tall.
All my friends were shocked.
So was I.
But I liked it.
You know, My height.

So where were we? Yeah. Him.
He is rich, I can tell from his clothes.
And he has some kind of thing for black, white and Scarlet colour.
He only wears clothes which covered these colours.
His eye colour is no joke.
If you see him from afar they look brown.
But if you look closely, you can see the gold in his eyes.
Which looks awesome with his Olive skin colour.
Dude, he looks marvellous.

Mind you- truth to be told.

I've become an A grade Stalker, haven't I?

His name is Eros.
Beautiful. Isn't it?

"Eros" I clamped my hand on my mouth and look around me.

The cafeteria was full of shouts and laughs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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