"He didn't even punch anyone!" Cyrus exclaimed into the phone.

"Well," started Buffy on one end of the phone, "that's still considered growth, right?"

"That's definitely growth. And that's great, Cyrus!" said Andi on the other line, laughing at her two best friends. "What about you, Buffy? What's up with you and Marty?"

They'd been trying to do weekly group calls since school started. It was weird not being able to just meet up at The Spoon, but SAVA was a residential school and both Cyrus and Buffy really were proud that Andi was able to get in.

"Same old, same old," Buffy said deflecting. "We banter, we run, he gives me his tomatoes, I give him my pickles, he steals my fries—"

"And you pretend not to notice," Andi finished the sentence and they could almost hear the eye roll through the phone.

"I'm serious. It's the same as it used to be, and I'm glad everything isn't super awkward and uncomfortable anymore. I missed being around him."

Andi made a gagging noise that made Cyrus laugh but defend Buffy as well.

"Andi, you can't do that. You love love. You were with a different person almost every other week last year!"

"With an almost constant rotation of Jonah Beck," added Buffy with purposeful emphasis on Jonah's name.

"How is Jonah? He won't answer any of my calls."

"He seems okay at school."

"But he hasn't been answering my texts either," Cyrus said hoping there was nothing too serious going on with their friend.

"Maybe we just give him time?" offered Andi quietly.  "He'll tell us what's going on when he's ready."

"And I think it's nice that you can come to that conclusion on your own. Look at us," Cyrus beamed, "maturing. And Buffy, I am really glad that you Marty worked everything out. Seriously, Andi, they're adorable."

"Says you," the girls said at the same time.

"You're like half of the cutest couple at Grant," Buffy continued.

"We aren't that cute," Cyrus argued blushing. "And anyway, barely anyone even knows we're dating."

"The basketball team knows, right?"

"I don't think that really counts. Plus that wasn't a dating thing," Cyrus tried to explain, "it was more of a coming out thing."

"Either way," Andi cut in, "I'm glad things are working out for you guys."

"You say that like we're living our dreams."

"Yeah! How's SAVA?"

"It's great..."

"Oh no," said Buffy.

"Oh no," Cyrus agreed.

"Oh no?" asked Andi. "Why oh no? There's no oh no."

"That's your pouty voice," explained Buffy.

"What pouty voice? I don't have a pouty voice."

"You do, in fact, have a pouty voice," Cyrus cut in again. "It's the voice you get when you think things are going bad but they're actually going really well but you need someone else to tell you because you're just judging yourself too harshly."

"No, guys, really. I'm fine. Things really are great..."

"Oh no," said Buffy again.

"Oh no," chimed Cyrus.

"No. Stop the oh no's. There's no pouty voice. How could there be a pouty voice if I'm not pouting."

"She's pouting," Buffy said to Cyrus completely ignoring Andi's argument.

"I sense maximum pout," Cyrus said wisely rubbing his chin as if he had a beard.

"What's wrong, Andi? We thought you liked it at SAVA. You were so excited that you got in."

"And I am excited. It's  great— and don't you dare say Oh No —it's just..." Andi huffed a breath and Buffy laughed. When Andi started talking again her small smile was clear in her voice even if she still felt a little down. "So maybe I am a little pouty. We have this big mural project coming up and everyone here is so talented and I don't think I'll be able to do anything even half as great as some of the stuff I've seen them throw in the trash."

"You're crazy talented!" Cyrus insisted at the same time that Buffy sputtered out a surprised: "Have you lost your mind?"

"Sure," said Andi placatingly, "I'm talented back there, where everyone was into different stuff and no one was really into visual arts. But here... it's like I'm average. Below average, even! One of my classmates is missing an arm and she's better than me!" She stops. "That's not to say that disabled... or differently abled people can't..." She growls into the receiver. "You guys know what I mean."

"Andi, you shouldn't be comparing yourself to them or anyone else. You're super talented and you should be trying to do your best, not your classmates' best."

"Dr. Goodman has spoken," Buffy added and it was like they could hear the smile in her voice.

"Yeah, you're right," and her laugh did seem a lot lighter. "Thanks, Cyrus."

"No problem, I'll be here all week." He playfully bowed, though he knew they couldn't see him. His phone buzzed against his ear and he pulled it away to stare at it for a second. "Well most of the week. Apparently my family's  going to my cousin Julie's housewarming on Sunday, and TJ just asked if I was free Saturday night."

"And we've come full circle," Buffy lamented. "Back to our previously scheduled program: The Cutest Couple at Grant High."

Buffy and Andi broke into laughter and Cyrus wasn't too far behind in joining them. It was nice having someone who liked him back and wanted to spend time with him and he's glad his friends understood that. Even if Buffy's teasing was relentless.


hey futher muckers
i did not forget to update i just fell asleep directly after class
but heres the next chapter lol

lemme know whatchall think about it
hopefully y'all enjoyed
love y'all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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