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Cyrus was looking between Andi, Buffy, and Walker Brodsky, of all people, trying not to look distrusting. He was more confused than unsupportive, but this was the first weekend Andi'd been able to get off since she started at SAVA and he wasn't going to ruin their sacred meal at The Spoon because Andi brought along the caricature artist from his Bar-Mitzvah who also happened to be both of his best friends' kind of ex.

He looked to TJ for help, but his boyfriend only shrugged before throwing an arm over his shoulder and pulling him closer in a silent bid to get him to relax. They'd invited Reed to hang out with them this time too to try and get their groups somehow meshed into one before the full high school experience drags them into a pile of tired mush. Freshman year was fun so far, but Cyrus knew that to go to any of his dream schools, Senior Year was going to be absolutely brutal. He leaned into TJ and blew out a tired breath.

"For f—" can someone please spare me from the lovebirds, over here?" Reed said, mostly kidding.

"Oh no," said Buffy. "Because the pining was worse."

"We didn't pine," TJ said and Cyrus swore it would be a whine coming from anyone else.

"You're right," agreed Buffy. "You were pining."

The table laughed as TJ groaned playfully.

"So now it's my fault my boyfriend's so adorable? I mean, you've met him!"

"Curse my rugged looks and gentlemanly charm," added Cyrus as he tossed a baby tater into his mouth.

The bell over the door chimed as someone else stepped into the restaurant causing the occupants of the Good Hair Crew (and company) to turn around in curiosity.

"Is that who I think it is?" Andi said playfully as she balanced her elbows on the back of the booth.

"Jonah Beck, as I live and breathe!" continued Buffy with a playful southern accent.

There was something about being young and surrounded by people you care about (and Walker) that erased the tension of Andi and Buffy not seeing Jonah in weeks. Cyrus wanted to ask why he was the only one to have seen Jonah much, if at all, since Freshman year had started, even though he had been Andi's crush before he was Cyrus'. And he had been a friend to all of them before TJ had been around.

"I've been figuring some stuff out, you know?"

"Care to share with the class?" Buffy asked with a smile and raised eyebrow.

"Maybe later." Jonah looked from Buffy to Andi before his eyes lingered on where Cyrus and TJ were cuddled up together in the window seat of the booth.

"Of course," Andi and Cyrus said in unison, sending the table into fits of giggles.

Cyrus thought back to being thrown into a dumpster on the first day of school. Grant High School was nothing like Jefferson Middle. The teachers were meaner. The classes were harder. The kids were bigger. But Cyrus had TJ to protect him and TJ had Cyrus to keep him from careening into Scary-Basketball-Guy territory. Whatever the case was, they were going to make it through together. Looking around at his friends, he decided that if this was what it was like to be a high schooler, whether he knew what clubs he was going to join or not, he figured he was going to like it after all.


another one
hey futher muckers
this brings us to the end of another fic
i always set out with the intention to write something fun that i havent seen much of and somehow i always both over and underestimate myself

after years in the making, here's the end of our tyrus journey
i do still have some wips that i will be finishing up writing then posting, but this is all for now
(ha! just wait for my Andi Mack/HSM crossover)

thank yall for always sticking with me and my stories even though it takes for fucking ever to hear from me

living as an adult is hard
this whole adult thing is a scam
no one is winning under capitalism
ill be around
hope yall enjoyed
love yall

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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