Prisoner In My Own Body

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    I was overly excited. My mom, wonderful, mom, had gotten me VIP tickets to a One Direction private meeting séance. I was waiting restlessly in a noisy corridor, in line with my best friends, our turn approaching very quickly.

I had dressed quite casually for the occasion: dark jeans with my blue 1D shoes and a cerulean blue camisole with frills. I had added a little jewelry here and there, and my brown hair was tied in a side French braid. There was no way I was letting my hair down, my fringe wouldn't stop bothering me and I couldn't bear to live with that in such a crucial moment of my life.

I also had a black sling bag, which held a couple of necessities like money, girl stuff and cell phone.

The occasion was sooo special that my friends and I had agreed to go in separately, in order to have time alone with our five idols. Kristen had already passed, and Amber was already inside.

I was the last to go from the three of us, making the painful suspense last longer.

Suddenly, the door opened and Amber got out, all red and embarrassed.

"I'll go join Kristen", she mouthed, giving me a shy thumbs up. Curious, I thought. Both of them had passed, looking all red and flushed... What is going on in there?  I got suddenly really nervous as I was pushed into the room which Amber had just exited. The door closed behind me. There they were, sitting on a couch, looking at me. I was awestruck. Something was wrong though.... They were practically undressing me with their eyes. Awkward.

"Hey! I'm Sophie!" I start. But before I can add something else, the boys share a secret language and Harry cuts me.

"Sorry babe, but we have to leave. We don't have time to talk with you." He gave me a fake sad smile. My eyes are stinging with tears already. The rejection hits me hard, and I turn back around to leave, in order to hide my tears. Its okay Soph, you just had to pick the wrong time. They don't hate you; I try to soothe myself, turning the doorknob.

I open the door to head back to my friends. But I don't make it. As soon as my back is turned, I hear the murmur of voices, shuffling of feet, and a wet rag is pressed on my mouth.

In shock, I stop breathing and fight against the multiple hands.

"Come on... Breathe and it'll be all better." Niall's voice urges softly in my ear. I want to reply, but I breathe doing so. My eyes shut without my permission and mind immediately gets fuzzy, my reflexes woozy until I can't stand anymore.

"Good girl..." The Irish voice is far away.

Hands catch my head right before it hits the ground.


 I come back to my senses, laid in a house I don't recognize. I don't know why, but my hair is untied, unlike how I had left them earlier. Yeah. Earlier when you were attacked by One Direction.That just doesn't seem right.

Shaking my head slightly, I look outside to meet with a gloomy and rainy exterior. The voices in the room beside the one I am are oddly familiar, but I don't want to alert my kidnappers of my awakened state.

Quietly, I head outside and into the rain, forgetting to close the door softly behind me. Bang! The thudding of feet and unnerved masculine voices break the scary silence. I jump to a run, but only a couple meters are done and I'm already pushed into the muddy ground. "Where do you think you're going?" drawls a heavy British accent. I whip my head up and I'm met with Louis, Zayn, Niall and Liam. I feel hands grabbing my shoulders and lifting me up carefully back to my feet. I look to see whose hands they belonged to, and come across Harry's mesmerizing green eyes.

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