24.) Hot Tub

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I wake up groggily, feeling Harry’s arm across my waist. I look at the alarm clock sitting quietly on the bedside table. It shows 5h30 in the morning. Maybe I could escape the flat while the boys are still sleeping, then run far away from them and find someone that could adopt me for a little while…

Harry snores lightly, making me whip my head in the direction of his sleeping face. He looks like an angel with the faint smile on his lips and the mop of curls placed messily on his head. He pulls me closer to his body but I rapidly push him away, and jump off the bed.

I search for my clothes around the room, but I can’t seem to find them so I end up in his drawers. I grab a pair of his track pants and his purple Jack Willis hoodie, putting them on. I start tiptoeing my way out of his room, but freeze in my steps as I hear him mumble words.

“No Soph. You can’t leave… You’re mine. ” He murmurs in his sleep, and hugs the pillow where I had laid just a few seconds ago.

I shake my head negatively but a smile crawls upon my lips as I continue my way outside his room. Keeping my eyes on the mass of sheets on the bed, I open his bedroom door, get out, and close it softly. I sigh in relief as soon as I’m out in the hallway. I turn around to head downstairs, but I bump in a bare chest. Hands grab me before I fall on the wooden floor. The person steadies me and I look up to meet blue eyes.

“You weren’t trying to escape right?” Louis whispers. He looks at me inquisitively while I try to find something to cover up my story. My eyes find the bathroom.

“No no no… I-I-I was just trying to go to the bathroom,” I blabber, hoping he’d believe me. I bite my lip nervously.

“Aren’t you supposed to tell Harry where you’re going at all times?” he asks, crossing his arms over his sculpted chest. “Cause what I’ve witnessed clearly looked like you didn’t want him to wake up.” Shoot.

“Yes but he looked so calm sleeping! I just didn’t have the heart to wake him up for that you know…” I half-lie. The truth was that Harry did look peaceful while he slept.

“Right.” Louis looks at me pointedly. “Come on Soph. I’m not that gullible. Admit it. You don’t wanna go to the bathroom. You wanna do something else.” I look at my feet. Crap he doesn’t believe me. I’m sooo dead. Goodbye life. “You wanted to go in the spa.” He says smugly. What? I look up at him dumbfounded. Oh right. One of the bathrooms has a hot tub.

“Oh shoot. You caught me red-handed.” I say, faking frustration. He laughs.

“You are easy enough to read. I see it when you lie. We all do. There’s that little thing in your eyes, and you have that tendency to bite your lip. You’re adorable.” He laughs some more. “Come to my room with me.” He says, grabbing my arm. He takes me farther into the corridor, farther from my possible escape. His odour fills my nostrils as soon as he opens his room. He pulls me into it and closes the door behind us. He walks me inside, his carpeted floor soft on my feet.

“I thought I wanted to go in the spa.” I say, eyeing him. He pulls me right in front of his bed.

“You need a bathing suit right? Unless you wanna go skinny dipping…” He trails off, licking his lips at the idea. I shoot him a deathly glare. “Because I honestly don’t think Harry would let you swim with his favourite hoodie. Trust me; I know ‘cause I’ve tried.” He chuckles lightly at the memory.

“Oh. Right. You guys are Larry Stylinson. Are you two really that close?”

“Not gay close, but brotherly close. We share everything…” Louis whispers the last part in my ear secretly, making goosebumps appear on my skin. “Now stay there and I’ll get you a bathing suit.” He says, strolling inside what looks like a walkthrough closet.

“Because you have girl bathing suits in your stuff?” I ask sarcastically. I hear rummaging, and Louis comes back with a bag.

“As a matter of fact, I do.” He hands me the bag. “Choose one to wear and keep the rest.” I fake happiness and hug him. “You can go change in my closet, there’s a mirror and I won’t come barging in, I wanna see your choice as a surprise.” He finishes, pushing me inside the closet. He opens the light of the restricted area, lighting an array of different clothes, mostly with stripes and bright colours. As soon as he closes the door, I huff in annoyance.

“Great plan once again Soph.” I mumble, fishing through the bag for an adequate bathing suit. Giving up, I pick one randomly and put it on, twirling once in the mirror I grab Harry’s clothes before heading out of the stuffed closet.

“Ta da!” I say, walking out. “Um. Lou? Why are you in a bathing suit?” I can’t help asking, seeing him with bathing shorts on his bed.

“I’m joining you of course. Harry can’t watch over you while he’s sleeping, but I’m wide awake so I’ll be the one watching over you ‘till he wakes up to bring you shopping.” He explains, eyeing me up and down. He stares at me like I’m meat, making me feel uncomfortable.

“Could you stop being a pervert and maybe we could get in the hot tub before next year arrives.” I snap, irritated.

“Hold your horses’ woman. Golly, are you on your period?” He says, standing up to leave the room. Why does everybody think that? First Niall, then him. Harry’s gonna be next I suppose!

“No. I’m not on my period. You boys just infuriate me on a daily basis, making me wanna explode.” I spit. “And it’s perfectly normal if you consider all you’ve put me through so far.”

“Yeah. Whatever.” He shrugs, pulling me out of his room and into the bathroom with the spa. He pushes me inside and leaves the door half-open.

“The least you could is stop pushing me around.” I retort.

Louis gets in the water and sits, groaning softly at the temperature of the water. He starts the jets, water bubbling to the surface quickly.

“We could, but we won’t. It’s actually quite amusing to see you get all stressed up and insecure about everything.” He responds, putting his arms on the side of the spa.“Now stop complaining about everything and get in.”

I stick my tongue out at him and drop Harry’s clothes on the ceramic floor, before getting in the bubbling hot water. I sit in front of him, as far away from his body as possible, but after a few minutes only, he decides to pull me close to him, sitting me on his lap.

“You are gonna have to learn not to avoid being close to us, because you’ll always end up getting closer.” Louis murmurs in my ear. He plays with the force of the jets, putting them at their strongest. Louis starts kissing my neck. “Let’s get rid of your daily pleasuring right now shall we? I’m here to supervise.”

“No thank you.”

“Actually, love, it isn’t a choice.”

“Fuck you.”

“Gladly, but you have to fuck yourself first.” He retorts cockily.

“I don’t even know how!” I protest.

“Sure you do. Niall showed you how when we were in the plane. If I recall correctly, that’s less than a day ago.” He whispers in my neck.

“It’s not the same!”

“Yes, it is. Use the jets like they are fingers.” Louis explains. “Or you could always use mine.” He proposes, lifting his fingers out of the water. Dirty thoughts fill my mind but I don’t say anything and look away in shame.

“No. Thanks, I’ll pass.” I spew, lifting myself off from him to get out of the Jacuzzi.

“Look, sweetheart, were not leaving here, ‘till you orgasm at least once by yourself.” He says angrily, pulling me back down on his knees. I feel something hard poke my lower back. Fuck. He’s aroused by all this.

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