"I think I love you..."

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You and Zelda are sitting in the courtyard of Hyrule castle, watching the water ripple in the fountain. She notices you staring in her direction and looks up to meet your eyes.

"What is it?" She says softly.

"I... I think," you begin, feeling embarrassed, "I think I love you..."

Her lips part slightly, as if she's about to say something, but instead she smiles.

She brushes her hand gently over your cheek and admires the way your hair falls perfectly around your face.

"I love you," she says after a few moments, taking hold of your hand, "more than you know."


You and Link are warming yourselves by a cooking pot, a nice hot vegetable stew on the go. It smells rich and makes you feel at home. You love Link's cooking, he seems to always know exactly what food to cook for you.

You watch him carefully peel some carrots and chop them into the pot. You've learned over time that he's pretty shy, but he gains an air of confidence when he's cooking. You've been wanting to tell him something for a little while, and now might be the perfect time.

"Hey - err - Link," you say, getting his attention, "I think I love you..."

He stops mid chop, not quite sure what to do with himself. Before he can do anything, he starts blushing so much that his whole face turns a beetroot red. He frantically stirs the soup, sloshing it all over the place.

"Uhm... Are you ok Link..?" You say, watching him now frantically trying to clean up the spilled soup.

He lets out a single crazed laugh and gives you a thumbs up.

Maybe that wasn't the best time after all? You get up and find a small pool of rainwater not too far away, and fill up your empty bottles for later. When you return, you sit back where you had been before.

All of a sudden, Link turns around, a little less flustered (still with a pinkish blush), handing you a bowl full of his vegetable soup with a small hearty radish on the top. You both smile and he laughs, rubbing the back of his head.


Ganondorf sits atop his throne in the Gerudo great hall, looking at his battle strategy to overthrow the Hylian royals. You can see by his expression that he's making calm and calculated decisions.

You have sliced up some voltfruit and placed them on a golden platter by his side.

"Ganondorf, we need to talk," you say, wiping the juice from your hands, "I've been thinking about things lately. About us, and how I feel. "

You look up at him, but he is fixated on his planning.

You clear your throat and begin talking again, "I think I love you..."

He sighs deeply, resting his head on his hand and turns to you.

"I know." He says, his brilliant eyes looking straight through you.

You lower your head, slightly taken aback by his response. He knows..? What do I say to that? 

You open your mouth, about to say something else, when you're stopped by a great figure that towers over you. Ganondorf bends down and takes your chin between his thumb and index finger. You share a brief moment of eye contact before he kisses you tenderly on the lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2020 ⏰

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